Whamilton - Wrong Name!

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Alright this was a request from @WhyCouldntItBe, and I am very happy to take requests, be sure to use that request sheet and comment there! Or wherever, doesn't matter. Anyway, like always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Alexander sighs contently, watching a new show on Netflix about the founding fathers with Washington. Washington pulls Alexander closer, hugging him protectively. Alexander chuckles, snuggling into George.
          "I'm not going anywhere G... You know that." He purrs. George mumbles into Alex's shoulder.


           "I knoooow... I just like cuddling you..." He says softly. Alexander smirks, grinding his butt into George's crotch. George shudders.
           "Alex... Noooooo." He warns. Hamilton hums, biting his lip as he continued, turning around to face George.
            "I think I will..." He says smugly. George moans softly as Alex starts grinding his cock into his own. George huffs, pausing the show and grabbing Alex by the hips, manhandling him so he was pinned down on the couch. Alex moans deeply as George starts humping his crotch, their clothed bulges rubbing together roughly from George's advances.
               "Mmhhhh... Laurens..." Alex moans passionately. George stops, looking at Alexander like he had three heads.
"What did you just say?" He growls. Alexander realizes his mistake, his heart jumping to his throat.
"Uhhh... I said Laurens didn't I?" He asks, at least having the decency to look a little ashamed. George nods.
"Yeah. I was going to strip you of your clothes, but it looks like we're keeping the clothes on today." He says dryly. Alexander whimpers.
"No please! I didn't mean it..." He whines. George scoffs, continuing to grind his bulge against Alexander's groin.
"I didn't say I was stopping. Mmmm..." He leans in and roughly kisses Alex on the neck, sucking a hickey into it. Alex whines desperately, moving his hands to Alex's back.
"C-C'mon it'll take us forever to come if we keep our clothes on..." He complains. George cocks an eyebrow.
"That's the point. This is your punishment, Alexander." He emphasizes 'Alexander.' Hamilton huffs, laying back and accepting his fate. George smiles, sliding his hand under Alex's shirt and pinching and rolling his nip between his fingers. Alex whines, watching George hump his leg slowly. Alex groans, holding onto him and managing to grind his cock against the his leg as well. It was a rather awkward position, each having a leg between the other's thighs, but it worked.
           Alex whines, needy as he clawed at George's back. George huffs.
           "Ok we can take our pants off..." He relents. Both of them quickly taking off their pants, leaving them in their boxers. George huffs, manhandling Alex into his lap, facing him. He quickly grinds his cock against Alex's length, growling lowly into the smaller man's shoulder.
            "Ahhh... Mmmm..." He suddenly latches into Alex's neck, roughly sucking a mark into it, leaving a wine colored hickey. Alex moans softly, the friction against his cock was very slowly building his excitement. A warm pool of tension building in his crotch, and spreading up his groin. George hums.
"Mmm, Alexander... You're so cute when you moan... would you do it again?" He asks with a smirk, pressing against Alexander harder, speeding up his thrusts. Alex whines, feeling his cock heat up quickly.
"F-Fuck... Please... George... Fuck me..." He begs. George hums, sliding his hands down Alex's thighs.
"I dunno... You've been bad." He coos softly. Alexander whimpers.
"Please... Daddy..." He whines. George pounces on Alex, quickly slipping off their boxers and grabbing a tiny bottle of lube from between the cushions. Alex shoots George a quizzing look.
"Really? That's been there this whole time?" He asks. George doesn't answer, lubing up his fingers and circling them around Alex's entrance. Alex quickly shuts his mouth, squirming in anticipation. George bites his lip, watching Alex's mouth open wide as he slipped two fingers in.
             "Ahhh! Mnhh!!" He whines, gasping as George was already rubbing his prostate firmly. Alex whines, spreading his legs and holding George's arm.
             "Fuck me daddy..." He begs. George growls lowly, pulling his fingers out and replacing them with his thick cock, making Alex whimper and moan sharply I'm surprise.
             "Ahhh!! Yes! O-oh please more..." He begs again. George smirks, grinding his hips into Alex and squeezing his ass.
             "Shhh, be a good boy for daddy." He purrs sweetly. Alex lets out a small sound reflecting impatience, squirming. George smiles, slowly pulling out and pushing back in, forming a slow rhythm. Alex made it a point to stay mostly quiet, savoring the pool of heat that was building in the pit of his stomach. George hums quietly, slowly and steadily picking up his pace, Alex's muscles squeezing tightly around his cock. Alex whines, wanting to make more noise and egg George on.
              "Mmmm-... Ahhh... George..." He whispers, holding back his loud tendencies. Washington growls lowly, feeling the heat get more intense quickly. He picks up his pace again. Alexander let out a small yelp, gasping as his prostate was mercilessly pounded.
             "AAHH! Yes! Fuck me!!" He screams. George clamps a hand over Alex's mouth to silence him, the knot of heat getting tighter and tighter as he slammed into Alex at nearly full speed. Alex moans sharply, suddenly feeling his knot tighten as George did a particularly hard thrust into him, the tension unfurling as he came hard onto his stomach, painting streaks of white on his abdomen. George followed soon after, filling Alex with his come. Alex sighs, laying his head back tiredly.
           "Mmm..." He hums, curling up after George pulled out. George grabs a blanket and wraps it around the both of them.
            "Have fun?" He asks with a sweet smile. Alex nods. George raises an eyebrow.
            "Are you gonna moan the wrong name again?" He asks. Alex thinks for a minute.

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