HamBury - Stop Teasing

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Alright, we haven't done this ship in a while, so here we are! Like always. Request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Samuel sighs, laying in bed, still awake. He grumbles, tossing and turning restlessly. He hated his insomnia. Well, it wasn't really insomnia, but he just found it hard to stop thinking. He groans, looking over to Alexander. He seemed to be awake as well. He didn't want to say anything though, just in case in boyfriend was asleep. Alex suddenly rolled over, facing Samuel.
        "Can you sleep Sam?" He asks. Samuel sighs in frustration.
        "No... I can't..." He says with a huff. Alexander turns the bedside lamp on, grinning.
       "Can I convince you to let me do a little something?" He asks, leaning over Sam slightly as he sat up. Sam nods, shrugging.
        "Go ahead." He says softly, unsure what he was playing at. Alexander grins, slowly running his warm hands up Sam's sides and down his legs. Sam shudders, the attention going straight to his cock. He relaxes, biting his lip as Alex's hand drifted up his inner thigh, barely brushing his balls.
"Alexander..." He moans softly. Alex raised an eyebrow quizzically.
"Already? Awww. So precious." He purrs, gently caressing Sam's sides, getting closer to his length, but avoiding it. He leans into Samuel's ear.
"I'm going to tease you, little by little until you can't stand it." He says softly, gently kissing Sam's ear. Sam whimpers, squirming. Alexander smiles, very gently tracing circles around Samuel's nipples, still gently sucking Sam's ear, moaning softly into it, driving Sam mad with longing.
"Mmm... Sammy..." He says in a whisper. Samuel huffs, gripping the bed sheets to hold himself back from pouncing on Alex. That wasn't like him, and he wanted so badly to be submissive, but he couldn't stand Alex's teasing.
"You're so quiet and obedient. I bet you'll just stay completely still while I do this." Alexander starts gently rubbing Sam's dick through his boxers, feeling out where exactly it was. Samuel whines, his stomach tensing with excitement as Alex pulled his boxers down, his cock finally exposed. He bites his lip as Hamilton slowly pumped it.
"Alex... Please..." He says softly. Alexander grins mischievously.
"No no, not yet. Alex took off his boxers as well, grinning. Hamilton suddenly straddles him, grinding his cock against Sam's. Samuel whimpers, craving the friction as Alex indulged in his own pleasure. Alex leans down to Sam's neck and starts sucking and kissing along his jawline.
"Mmm... I could keep this up all night just to hear you moan more. So fucking cute." He says huskily. Sam whimpers, looking up at Alex with frustration.
          "If you don't get to the point soon... I'm gonna- Ahhhh..." He lets out a breathy moan as Alex squeezed his ass.
          "You're gonna what? What're you gonna do?" He asks, clearly not listening as he kept thrusting his cock against Sam's. The warm sensation was unbearable, tempting. Sam huffs, feeling a bit of anger bubbling up.

       He growls, suddenly grabbing Alex by the shoulders and flipping him on his back. Alex let out a small whimper, swallowing nervously as Samuel pushed his legs apart. Samuel gently pumps Alex's cock for a moment, before pulling his hand away and grabbing the lube from the nightstand. He slicks up his cock, watching Alex squirm in anticipation.
        "Don't test me Alex, now then. Sit still." He says softly, pouring lube on his fingers. Alex whimpers as Sam circled a finger around his entrance, slowly gliding it in. Alex moans softly, his legs squirming as he added a second finger.
         "Sammy... Fuck me..." He begs. Samuel smirks, adding a third finger and curling them inside him. Alexander moans quietly, laying his head back.
         "Sammy I'm sorry for teasing you..." He says quietly. Sam scoffs.
         "Too late for that hun. Shhhh." He hushes Alex as he takes his fingers out, pumping his own cock for a moment.
         "Pick your position hun." He says softly. Alex thinks for a moment, deciding to lay on his side. Sam grins, pressing his tip to Alex's entrance as he held his leg up, almost hugging it. He bites his lip as he slowly slides in, Alex tight around his length.
          "Mmmm... God damn you're tight... probably because you always top." He chuckles, watching Alex squirm as he slowly bucked his hips into him.
          "You like that? You like my cock buried deep inside your tight little ass?" He growls, snapping his hips forward suddenly. Alex whimpers, his cock twitching against his stomach. Alex looks up at Sam, list clouding his eyes.
          "Yes... Fuck yes Sammy... Harder Daddy..." He begs. Samuel huffs, suddenly picking up his pace, slamming into Alex harder, rubbing harshly against his sweet spot.
         "Fuck!! Yes!! Sammy!! Oh fuck!!" He huffs, squeezing his eyes shut as he moaned senselessly. The words slowly melting into incoherent babbling. Samuel growls, slamming into Alex as fast as he could, the heat building in his cock quickly.
         "Alex! Ahh!! So fucking hot..." He squeezes his eyes shut, feeling his climax building quickly, the tight heat climbing. One particularly hard thrust sent him over the edge, cumming hard into Alex.
          "Hnn!! Alex!!" He moans loudly, continuing to slam into Alex. Alex whimpers, seeming extremely close. He suddenly tenses up around Sam, cumming hard onto his stomach. He whimpers, a moaning mess as he rode out his climax. Sam stopped, panting tiredly.
          "Fuck... Alex..." He pulls out of Alex with a wet pop, flopping down next to him. Alex smiles, yawning as he curled up with Samuel.
          "Mmm... Night babe..." He says quietly, turning off the bedside lamp. Sam smiles, sleepily hugging Alex.
          "G'night Alex..." He smiles.


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