Jefayette - Fiery Passion (25K!)

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To whoever requested this, I apologize for not listing you, your name has been lost in my notifications, and I forgot to write it down. Anyway, like always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like tube lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Lafayette hums softly, twirling his pencil. Thomas was a complete, and utter catch. He was fit, handsome, charismatic, and unnervingly well dressed. And oddly enough, he looked exactly like him. It was almost uncanny. The only way people didn't confuse them with one another, was their clothing, and the fact that Lafayette put his hair up in a messy bun. But in any case, Lafayette wanted this man all to himself, and he'd be damned if Alex got to him first. He leaned over to Alex, who sat next to him, and whispered.
"Mon ami, Thomas is mine... I'm making a move today." He says confidently. Alex shrugs.
"Go for it. I got my eyes on Laurens..." He says, glancing over at his own interest. Lafayette shrugs, watching Thomas get up from his seat and go to sharpen his pencil. He wondered silently how he was supposed to get Thomas alone. He was always by his friendly companion James, and they seemed to be joined at the hip.
           Luckily, James wasn't here today, likely sick. The teacher was also absent, for whatever reason. Probably had to meet another teacher for a quick meeting. Lafayette took a deep breath, getting up and walking over to Thomas. They were far enough away from the other students to whisper without being heard. Thomas gave Lafayette a quizzing look.
           "What? I'm a little busy Gil." He says quietly, attempting to leave. Lafayette quickly puts his arm against the wall, blocking his escape.
           "Oh? You're busy? You must've been busy catching my attention, because everyday to wear something fancy. Tell me, are you opposed to kissing a guy?" He asks. Thomas's cheeks quickly turned rosy, and he quickly realized they were both tops, who would have trouble admitting defeat to be the bottom. Thomas smirks, suddenly grabbing Lafayette by the shirt and pinning him to the wall. Lafayette let out a small whimper of surprise. Thomas chuckles softly.
           "Wanna skip class and come to my place?" He asks with a grin. Lafayette nods, biting his lip.
            "As long as we get to fuck, I don't care where we are." He purrs.


          They had barely gotten out of Thomas's car before both of them were trying to gain dominance, pulling, kissing, nipping. Thomas growls, putting his arm out to stop Lafayette from tackling him so he could unlock the door. He fumbled with the keys, finally managing to open the door after a moment. They stumbled inside, both of them lost in a lustful stupor. Thomas managed to shut the door, moaning softly as Lafayette nipped at his ear. Thomas shudders, the frenchman's hands wandering down his sides to his ass, squeezing it firmly as he was roughly kissed.
           "Awww, are you shy Tommy? Cat caught your tongue?" He asks with a smirk. Thomas shakes his head.
           "No, just enjoying it. It's smarter if I let you do all the work." He chuckles. Lafayette grins devilishly.
"Oh? Well, I'll have to make you feel amazing then." He purrs, moving his hands to Thomas's groin. Lafayette suddenly pulled his pants off, and grabbed his dick, firmly squeezing it. Thomas whimpers, moaning softly.
"Ahhhh... Fuck..." He whines, squirming as Lafayette slowly started to pump his cock. Lafayette smirks, slowly pushing Thomas back as he stroked and squeezed his cock. Thomas was a whimpering mess as he clumsily sat back on the couch, half tripping into it. Lafayette growls deeply, taking off his own clothes quickly.
"Take off those clothes, I wanna see you so badly..." Thomas says quickly. Lafayette rolls his eyes.
"Working on it asshole." He says, tossing his shirt away. After a moment, they were both completely naked, cocks standing against their stomachs. Lafayette smiles.
"You sure you wanna bottom Tommy?" He asks teasingly, slowly pumping Thomas's length, squeezing firmly. Thomas whines, squirming.
"Fuck yeah I do... Fuck me... B-But please prep me first." He says, laying down on his back and spreading his legs. Lafayette shakes his head.
"No no.~ Hands and knees. I insist." He purrs deeply. Thomas blushes, reluctantly but obediently getting on his hands and knees, facing away from Lafayette. He was nervous about what exactly Lafayette would do. But, when the Frenchman leaned down and kissed his back, slowly going lower, he let his fear drift away.
"Are you going to show me the ways of the french?" He teases. Lafayette chuckles.
"Perhaps. I think you'll find I'm rather passionate." He purrs sweetly, leaning in and suddenly licking a circle around Thomas's entrance. Thomas lets out a surprised gasp, shuddering as Lafayette suddenly slipped his tongue inside. It was so warm and smooth, gliding against his prostate slowly. Warmth slowly built up in his length, tension tightening.
"O-oh fuck... Lafayette..." He whimpers, biting his lip. Lafayette chuckles, reaching around his leg and slowly stroking his cock. Thomas whimpers, moaning softly as Lafayette traced shapes with his tongue. Lafayette pulled away after a moment, Thomas getting more and more excited for what came next. Lafayette put his fingers in his mouth, sucking on them gently and lubing them as much as he could. Thomas blushes.
"Now might be a good time to tell you I have a bottle of lube in the cushions..." He says quietly. Lafayette chuckles, fishing around the cushions, coming back with a small bottle of lube. Very high quality. Lafayette chuckles.
"Scented, flavored lube.~ How nice." He purrs, clicking open the cap and squirting a bit on his fingers. Thomas whines, squirming in anticipation as Lafayette circled two around his entrance.
            "F-Fuck me..." He whines, biting his lip. Lafayette smirks, suddenly slipping his fingers into him. Thomas lets out a whimper.
           "Ahh-hhh...~~" His breath hitched on the sensual moan. Lafayette grins, slowly scissoring his fingers inside Thomas.
           "You like that darling? Hmm?" He asks with a smirk, adding a third finger. Thomas whimpers, spreading his legs wider. Heat was building in his length, and the tension was getting unbearable.
            "Ah! F-Fuck me Gil!" He begs. Lafayette smiles, lubing up his cock.
            "As you wish sweetheart.~" He purrs, letting his French accent come out a bit more. Thomas whines, biting his lip as Lafayette pressed his tip to his entrance. He moans deeply as his lover slowly slid deep inside him, filling him to the brim.
            "Ahhhh... Oh fuck Gil... Please..." He begs. Lafayette smiles, slowly pulling out and pushing back in, forming a slow and steady rhythm. Thomas whines, moaning louder as Lafayette started pumping his length. Lafayette chuckles softly, rolling his hips into his thrusts.
           "Mmm, you want more? Alright, but I want you to moan for me darling." He says, suddenly thrusting in sharply. Thomas moans loudly.
           "Ahh!! Yes!! Fuck me! Lafayette!" He yells. Lafayette bites his lip, thrusting into Thomas much faster, making sure he got the attention he desperately needed.
            "Ahh... Fuck Thomas..." He whines, tension quickly building in his cock as he sped up, making Thomas a moaning mess under his touch.
            "Say my name Thomas... Say it..." He growls, moaning deeply. Thomas moans sharply, gasping.
            "Lafayette!! Please!! Lafayette!!" He begs, gasping as the heat and tension was coming to a boil. He practically screams as Lafayette went as fast as he could, hitting his prostate with each thrust in. Finally they couldn't take it anymore, suddenly coming hard together.
           Both of them shook and shuddered, holding onto the closest things they had, for Lafayette, that was Thomas's hips, and for Thomas, that was the couch. They slowly relaxed, relieved that the tension was gone, and a moment of clarity set in. Lafayette pulled out and flopped back onto the couch, sighing contently. Thomas smiles, laying back with him.
           "Ahh... That was awesome..." He says softly. Lafayette chuckles.
           "You can say that again mon amour."

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