Jamilams - Wrong person!

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Hey, sorry for being dead for a few months, and then posting Turn smut stuff- (By the way you guys should totally read that stuff, it's really good compared to these old chapters!) Anyone that had requests, I apologize, they have been scrapped.

But I'm here with new requests that I found interesting, and I thought I'd revive this story with a new part! I've been writing in the Turn fandom lately, and from my word count, I've written over 100,000 words in each fandom. I won't be taking ALL requests anymore. But, if I find your request particularly juicy or intriguing, I will probably write it.

This was requested by @Loganandmyflashcards! My writing did improve for a while, and then I got rusty, but hopefully my writing is better than the previous chapters in this book. Anyway, like always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV:

Thomas sighs softly, laying on the couch with Alex, watching a shitty chic fix he wasn't really paying attention to. This was mostly because Alex was sexting him, despite the fact he was literally three feet away. It was mostly just little teasing messages, nothing too juicy. He almost jumped as Laurens spoke up across the apartment, from the kitchen.

"Hey, do you guys want some food or nah?" He yelled. Jefferson groans. Laurens had a habit of talking way too loud, especially when there was no reason for him to. He spoke up, but only to tell him to shut up.

"Hey, shut up and just text us, we're trying to watch a movie." He growls irritably. That was a lie of course, he didn't even know the main characters name. Laurens sighs, and mumbles something incoherent under his breath before taking his phone out of his right pocket. A moment later, Thomas got a text from Laurens.

Laurens: Do you want cookies, or an actual meal for once?

Thomas chuckles at the text. As if he had to ask!

Thomas: Cookies, duh!

Well, that was that. He could hear the notification go off on Laurens phone, followed by the cacophonous clamor of him getting out bowls and cookie trays. He did his best to ignore the noise, absentmindedly watching the movie for a moment as he waited for Alex to send a lewd text back.

After a few minutes, he began to wonder if Alex was going to send another one. Wait, he hadn't responded yet. Well obviously Alex was waiting on him to send another text. That must have been it. That or his partner had forgotten to hit send. However, this was probably not the case. So, he unlocked his phone, and sent a response.

Thomas: A little special attention sounds nice, doesn't it? Maybe you can slide your hands up my thighs and give my cock a little squeeze.~

He smiles as he set down his phone, only to hear Laurens phone go off. Shit. He quickly realized what had happened, turning to face the kitchen just in time to see Laurens taking his phone out of his pocket.

"Wait! Don't read that!" He yells, almost begging. Laurens raises an eyebrow, glancing at Thomas for a second before looking at his phone. Immediately he seemed surprised, which was quickly followed by a smirk, his nose in the air with an arrogant scoff. Alex seemed curious as well, looking over at Laurens expectantly.

"So, you're sexting Alex instead of actually watching the movie eh? Alex, come here, look at what he sent." He insists. Thomas covered his face in embarrassment, feeling Alex get up from the couch and walk over to Laurens. His partner let out an amused chuckle.

"Aheh! So careless you'd send that to Laurens? That's a pretty juicy suggestion, more so than the previous texts. You actually want that babe?" He asks, the deep alluring tone rising in his lovers voice. Thomas nods, biting his lip.

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