JamilBurr - Hate that I love you

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oSkip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Hamilton sighed with frustration, scribbling away in his notebook. Jefferson and Burr had invited him to dinner, and Washington has advised him to go, wanting him to make more "friends". He rested his head in his hand, tapping his quill against his paper. He wanted to write something besides his thoughts, but nothing came to mind. He grumbled quietly, looking at the time. It was about time for him to leave, and he knew it. He begrudgingly got up, setting his quill down and walking out of the house, heading for the nearest coach to take him up to Monticello.


Burr had already arrived at Monticello, and was waiting in the dining room with Jefferson.
"He's taking a while to get here..." Burr said with a sigh, drumming his fingers on the table. "He's usually very early." He continues. Jefferson smiles, leaning back in his chair.
"Oh don't worry, he'll show soon. The last thing he'll be, is late. He has five more minutes." There was suddenly a knock at the door, Jefferson gets up. "That must be him! Well, unless it's my damn ram..." He says, walking to the door. The knocking suddenly got more frantic.
"JEFFERSON!! JEFFERSON!! THE RAM!!" Hamilton yelled. Jefferson quickly opened the door, Hamilton leaped through the doorway, Jefferson shutting the door behind him. He jumped in surprise as the ram slammed into the door.
"Jesus... That damn ram... I need to butcher him before he kills someone else." Hamilton huffs, clutching his chest, catching his breath.
"Fuck... That thing killed someone?" He puffs, walking into the dining room, where dinner had just been set up. He nods.
"Yes, that abominable animal killed a small boy..." He admits dryly. Hamilton sits down at the table.
"Why the hell haven't you eaten him yet?! He could've killed me Thomas!" He yells, running his fingers through his hair. "A-anyway... lets just eat... I'm starving..." Thomas shrugs, smiling as he cut the small steak on his plate.
"While we're eating, I wanted to discuss something with both of you, mostly regarding you, Alexander." He says, taking a bite of his steak. Alex looks up from his plate to Jefferson, who sat across from him, and glanced at Burr, who was next to him.
"And what would that be? Would it be politics? Perhaps how your relationship is with Mr. Madison? You two are rather close." Alexander says with a grin. Jefferson blinks twice.
"This isn't about Mr. Madison. This is about you Alexander. You have this... Look in your eye. Whenever you look at me or Burr. It's a thoughtful look, and I can't for the life of me pin the emotion. You express that you don't like me, and Burr." He says, waving his fork as he spoke. Alexander pauses, thinking for a moment, taking a bite of the green beans.
"It's just a glance. Nothing more. I have expressed it, because it is true, and I don't understand why you question the fact that I dislike you and Burr, I would even call it hate, Mr. Jefferson." He stabs at his steak, looking up at Jefferson. Burr didn't want to say much, eating his food while listening intently to both of them. Jefferson rolls his eyes, setting down his fork.
        "Hamilton. You think about us... you think about us differently than you let on. You enjoy our company... Don't you? You're thinking about something... I dare suggest it's something lewd." Burr chokes on his beans, and Hamilton almost spits out his drink. Jefferson grins. "I'm right aren't I?" He asks smugly. Hamilton looks up at Jefferson, wiping his mouth slowly.
       "For you to suggest this, Mr. Jefferson... You must be having the same thoughts." Jefferson blushes suddenly, but quickly realizes something.
       "So you admit it! You admit you love me!" He says quickly. Hamilton's face goes red, and he quickly stands up.
       "I do, but I hate it! I hate the fact I love you too much to admit it!" He huffs, his heart pounding. Burr blinks.
       "The tension in the room is incredible. Also I believe Mr. Hamilton is aroused." He points out. Alex huffs, getting frustrated and his pants were getting tight.
        "Jefferson, s-sit on the table, Burr can do what he wants with me from behind." He demands quickly. Jefferson grins.
        "So forward. I like it." He laughs, sitting down on the table and unbuttoning his pants, slipping them down. Alex bites his lip, sauntering over and gently rubbing Jefferson's cock through his briefs. Jefferson opens his mouth in a silent moan, watching Alex pull his briefs down with his teeth, while Burr slowly worked Alex's pants off, pumping his own length slowly. Jefferson watches Alex lick the tip of his length slowly, taking him in slowly while looking up at him with those violet blue eyes. Thomas shuddered a bit, putting a hand on the back of his head and gently encouraging him to go farther. Alexander slowly took in more of Thomas's length, gagging slightly as his tip hit the back of his throat. He began bobbing his head slowly, looking up at Jefferson pleadingly. Burr suddenly slipped a lubed finger into Alexander, making him moan sharply in surprise, sending vibration down Jefferson's cock. Jefferson moans quietly.
       "Ah fuck... Alex, you're good at this, have you practiced?" He teases. Alex rolls his eyes, speeding up a bit, making Jefferson arch his back a bit. Burr slipped another finger into Alex, starting to pump them in and out slowly.
       "From back here, it looks like he has. He's working that pretty little mouth of his." He chuckles, lubing up his length while Alex sucked hard on Jefferson's length. Burr grins, pressing his tip to Alex's entrance. Alex flinched, about to look back when Jefferson pulled his head down, moaning deeply.
        "Ahhhh... Fuck, don't look back Hamilton, eyes on me." He instructed. Hamilton nods, moaning sharply as Burr slipped into him all the way, giving Alexander a moment to adjust. Alexander starts bobbing his head on Jefferson's length rapidly, and Burr started matching Alexander's pace, making Alex moan and shake with pleasure. Jefferson pulled at Alexander's hair, stifling his moans by biting his lip.
         "Fuuuuck... Mmm..." He huffs, his stomach starting to tense up as he got closer and closer to his climax. Burr already looked close as well, gripping Hamilton's hips roughly. Hamilton was moaning through Jefferson's cock, whimpering as Burr suddenly came hard inside him, followed by Jefferson coming hard into Alexander's mouth. Alex pulled off of Jefferson and Burr, sitting down in Jefferson's chair and quickly pumping his own length. Jefferson grins, suddenly picking Alex up and setting him down on the table, slipping three fingers into Alex abruptly, causing the smaller man to moan loudly. Alex whines, pumping his length faster as Thomas fingered him roughly.
       "Come on Hamilton, be a good boy and come for me." Hamilton quickly came hard all over himself, shuddering as Thomas pulled his fingers out.
       "Mnhhh... Thomas... can I stay the night?"  He asks quietly. Thomas chuckles.
       "Are you going to keep this a secret?" He asks. Hamilton nods quickly.
       "Mmhm. Don't worry, I won't tell."

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