Jamilton - Shut up! (10k!)

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You guys are freaking awesome! 10k reads? Wow! Thanks so much for reading what I write! I really appreciate it! Anyway, so, you guys know I love requests, so, if you have ANYTHING you want me to write, (gay/lesbian/straight) I will happily write them out! Like usual, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Jefferson sighs, walking into his room and setting a bag on lingerie down on the bed. Normally Alex was the one who wore it, but today Jefferson was feeling more adventurous. He stripped off his clothes, and grabbed a pair of matching pink lingerie, panties and bra. He slips them on casually, looking in the mirror.
         "Hmm..." He shakes his head, moving to green, yellow, blue, and even black.
          "Damnit... Alex you gotta have a color that looks good on me..." He mumbles to himself quietly. He pulls out a pair of magenta lingerie, slipping them on and looking in the mirror. He smiles, loving the color, and the way the panties hugged his ass.
          "There we go. Hello sexy." He poses in the mirror vainly, grinning to himself.
           "Goddamn I am thick with two C's." He chuckles to himself, sliding his hands up his sides. He stops as Alex opens the door the bedroom, phone up to his ear.
            "And I told George-... Laurens I'm gonna have to call you back." He hangs up and puts his phone away, staring at Thomas with disbelief and amusement.
             "That's my lingerie Thomas... Wait- are you posing in mirror? Holy shit you are narcissistic!" He laughs. Thomas huffs angrily.
             "Shut up! I know you do the same thing!" He growls. Alex laughs harder.
             "Hahaha! Nonono- I do it when no one is around! But I caught you!" He was almost in hysterics. Thomas huffs.
              "Shut up, or I'll make you shut up!" He warns. Alex continues laughing, actually laughing so hard he couldn't stand well, ending up leaning into the wall. Thomas growls in frustration, picking Alex up by the waist and tossing him onto the bed. Alex huffs, looking a little surprised now. Thomas huffs, climbing onto the bed with him and getting on his knees.


"Come on doll, suck." He states flatly. Alex smiles, scooting closer and planting a kiss on Thomas's length through the panties. Thomas sighs, watching Alex gently tease and encourage his cock to stand up. He slowly pulls the panties down, keeping his face back so he didn't get smacked by Thomas's dick. He gently takes Thomas's tip into his mouth, sucking gently.
          "Mmmm... Yummy." He purrs teasingly. Thomas huffs, setting a hand on the back of Alex's head, watching him slowly lower his head down. Thomas huffs, feeling Alex's tongue lap at the underside of his cock, sucking him deeper and deeper into his mouth.
           "Alex... Ahh... Fuck..." He pushes Alex's head down, making the smaller man gag. Alex shoots him a glare, but obediently swallowed around his cock, starting to bob his head. Thomas hums in approval.
            "Ahhh... You're such a good boy Alex... Ah yeah...." He moans softly, watching Alex work. It truly was quite a sight, Alex's lips red and shiny with saliva, his blue eyes fixed on Thomas, glassy and blown with lust. Alex hums, bobbing his head at a moderate pace, sucking harder. Thomas groans, biting his lip.
             "Alex... Please..." He begs quietly. Alex suddenly deep throats him, swallowing around his cock as fast as he could. Thomas's mouth hangs open lewdly, and he holds onto Alex's head tightly, pulling at his hair. Thomas felt his climax building quickly, the pit of heat in his groin slowly spreading getting more intense. He growls lowly, watching Alex bob his head quickly on his cock. One well timed thrust and flick of Alex's tongue made him unravel, coming hard into his lovers mouth. The intense feeling of pleasure and relief was addicting. Alex swallowed obediently, looking up at Thomas with a sultry grin. Thomas bites his lip, holding onto Alex's hair.
"Alex? Would you mind if I fucked your mouth?" He asks. Alex thinks for moment, and then nods. Thomas sighs, pulling out of his mouth.
            "Fine... Even though you deserve it for laughing at me..." He grumbles lowly. Alex shrugs.
             "Then don't wear my stuff."

//Sorry this was short :P//
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