Lams - Satisfying Heat

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Two heat chapters in a row? What are the chances? This was requested by @Dann_nuts! It's been a while since I've written an Omegaverse fic, but I'm just going to run with it! Here we go! Anyway, like always, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Laurens sighs softly, squirming on the couch as he tried to think about anything but the heat in his pants. It was throbbing, and making his stomach tense. Maybe he should have taken the pills to keep it at bay. It was like birth control, but not really. It would have to be taken everyday until the heat was over. But typically he chose the more traditional method of relief. He rolls over onto his side, looking over at the Tv, then his phone.

"Maybe I should call Alex..." He mutters to himself, reaching over to his phone and picking it up. "Hey Siri? Call Lexi." He spoke to the virtual assistant, and put the phone to his ear. He listened to the phone ring, waiting for Alex to get up. "Come on... Pick up... Don't be busy..." He waited, drumming his fingers against his thigh impatiently. Just before the voice message started, Alexander picked up.

"What's up Laurens?" He asks in a cheery tone. John sighs with relief as he hears his friends voice, sitting up and laying back against the couch.

"Well Alex... I'm gonna be honest with you... I'm in heat, and its driving me crazy..." He says honestly, biting his lip as he felt another wave of heat work its way through his groin. Alexander didn't respond for a moment, but Laurens could hear some sort of shuffling.

"Do you want me to come over and... help you out?" He asks, and Laurens could hear the jingling of keys. John bit his lip, shivering at the thought of having Alex satisfy the burning heat that was spreading to his chest and neck.

"Y-Yes please..." John whimpered quietly, squirming with need as he pictured Alexander's hands upon his sensitive skin. Alexander hung up, at first making John panic a little. But he realized he probably hung up to hurry over. He sighs softly, starting to take off his clothes as he imagined Alex's fingers grazing over his chest and sides. It would be heaven to have Alexander whispering sweet nothings into his ear, and his hands roaming between his legs. He wanted nothing more than to have this heat relieved.

A few minutes later, he could hear a car pull into his driveway, the brakes squeaking just a little bit. His ears perked up, and his stomach tensed with excitement. He laid down on the couch in such a way that nearly everything was exposed. He wanted Alexander to be just as enthusiastic when it came to releasing his tension. The door opened, and Alex walked in, a smile on his face.

"Oh, it's intense this time isn't it?~" He asks with a devious grin, his voice low and gruff as he sauntered across the room to the couch. Laurens shuddered at his tone, squirming with want as he nodded, yes.

"Y-Yes..." He whimpers softly, reaching down to his length and rubbing circles into the tip. Alexander tsks, shaking his head as he knelt in front of the couch, pulling John's hand away from his groin.

"No no. None of that. You're going to come from my touch baby boy." He purrs huskily. Laurens shivers in delight at the nickname, biting his lip harshly.

"O-Okay daddy... I'll be good, I promise." He puts his hands by his head, looking up at Alex as the smaller man sat in front of him, getting between his legs. Alex's hands slowly slid up his thighs, giving him a little squeeze. Laurens let out a soft moan, his cheeks flushed pink with lust. Alexander couldn't help but smirk as he let his hands roam over Laurens sides and chest. John arched his back into his lovers touch, wanting more.

"Please..." Laurens whimpers softly, pleading with Alex for more attention. Alex smirks at John, moving his attention to John's chest, his fingertips grazing over his nips delicately. John whines, his jaw slack with relaxation as he watched his lover. Alexander gently pinched Laurens nips between his fingers, sending little pulses of excitement down to his lovers groin, more heat building in his stomach.

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