HamBurr(ger) - Cream Filled?

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I am so sorry about the title. I couldn't resist. Burr seems to agree it's terrible. Anyway, doing that whole cooking Au thing I tried out a while back. Hope you enjoy, and like always, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up; ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh by the way, if you like donuts, I might ruin them for you after this.

Alex POV***

I sighed, looking at the clock on the wall impatiently. Aaron was supposed to be here a half hour ago. Granted the weather wasn't great, it had been raining all day, and maybe the traffic wasn't great, but it was unacceptable nonetheless. I sigh, deciding to go to the kitchen and make something while I was waiting. I had left some donuts out on the counter to cool a while ago, and the cream I was going to fill them with was in the fridge. I opened the fridge door, taking the pipette bag of cream out, then gently shutting the door while turning back to the counter. I slipped the pipette into one of the donuts, squeezing until the donut was full, then gently pulling the nozzle out. I jumped as a hand laid on my shoulder. I whipped around, surprised to see Burr, with a shocked expression as well. I quickly realized I had squeezed the pipette bag, and cream had splattered all over my hand and neck, some of it landing on the floor. Burr huffs.
"I uh... probably should've said something when I came in, huh?" He says, licking some cream off his hand. "Oh wow... That's good. Did you make it- oh- never mind, of course you did." He smiles. I sigh, finally recovering from the shock.
"Yeah... Maybe..." I look at the wasted cream all over myself and the floor. "You made me make a mess..." I pout quietly.


Burr smiles, gently resting his hands on my hips, leaning in and licking some of the cream off my collarbone. I shudder, surprised at the sudden warmth of his tongue on my skin. I accidentally let a moan slip out as he licks up more of the cream. He pauses, looking at me with a smirk.
     "Oh, this feels nice?" He asks rhetorically. I huff, wrapping my arms around him gently.
     "Shut... Shut up and love me..."

Burr POV***

     I roughly nipped Alex's neck and collarbone, leaving wine colored hickeys as I went, savoring the moans I squeezed from him. I let my hand drift down to his hips, slowly lifting up his shirt and sliding my hands up his chest. He melted into me, taking off his shirt and unbuttoning mine. Before I knew it, we were both undressed to our boxers, and I had Alex backed up against the kitchen table.
      "You want some cream filling?" I ask smugly, bending Alex over the table. Alex whimpers, nodding vigorously, holding onto the table.
      "Yes please.~" I bite my lip, sucking on my fingers for a moment, slowly slipping two fingers into Alex. He whimpers, moaning quietly as I gently pushed my fingers deep inside him. His excitement was so adorable, and I felt my abdomen tense from anticipation. He seemed impatient as I prepped him, squirming and whining from my touch. I pulled my fingers out, earning a whimper from Alexander. I grin, slowly pressing my tip to his hole. He whimpers, pushing his butt out.
      "Aaron... Please..." He begs quietly. I slip into him abruptly, making him moan sharply in pain and pleasure.
      "Aaron! P-Please!!!" He screams. I chuckle, carefully starting to thrust into him, aiming for his prostate. He moaned out with every buck of my hips, tongue hanging out of his mouth lewdly. I huff, feeling the knot of head building in my stomach as we progressed. I could feel him getting closer, subtly tightening around me. He suddenly yelped.
       "A-Ahh!! Aaron!! I'm gonna-!" He moans loudly, cumming hard onto the table. I huff, speeding up and slamming into Alex at a blistering pace. The knot of heat grew in my abdomen, and finally I released into him, some of my seed spilling out and running down his thigh. I pull out slowly, watching Alex pant and clean himself up with some wet wipes. I clean myself up, getting my clothes back on.
      "Mm... That was a pleasant surprise. Are you going to finish filling those donuts soon?" I ask. Alex blushes.
       "As soon as I take a shower, yeah." He kisses me on the cheek, turning to the bathroom and walking in. I couldn't help myself. I took a donut and bit into it, smiling blissfully as the sweet cream filled my mouth. He knew how to make a good donut.

I am so tired oh my god- I apologize for any grammatical errors- And I apologize if this is one of the lackluster chapters. Feel free to leave a request, as I am running out of ideas-

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