Whamilton - Naughty Student (Part 2)

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Before we start, the picture above is one of my stories from a different account (which I sadly forgot the password to) And it hit 100K reads recently! And has a top ranking! So, if you wanna read that, go right ahead, or not- Anyway, like always, if you don't like the lead up, skip to these: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Alexander rode his motorcycle to George's house, arriving at exactly 8:00 pm. He took off his helmet and took out the key, quickly running up to the front of the house and ringing the doorbell. After a moment, he impatiently knocked, his throbbing cock still ached from earlier in the day. Goerge opened the door, his shirt off, and he seemed to have oiled himself up a bit, his muscles shimmering even in the dim light. Alex shuddered a bit.
"M-Mr. Washington, may I come in?" He asks sheepishly. George nods, standing aside to let him in.
      "Of course, just take your shoes off." Alex nods, quickly walking inside and setting his helmet down, followed by taking off his boots. George shut the door, looking down at Alex with a glint in his eye.
      "Alex, do you mind if I call you Lexi? I think it's cute. Like you." He grins. Alex blushes, fiddling with his shirt and wringing it in his hands.
      "Sure- I- Where... Where do you want to take this?" He asks quietly, still quite embarrassed. George smiles, taking a step closer and swiftly picking Alex up, which was a bit easier than he thought it would be, almost tossing Alex into the air.
       "Oh! Wow, you're very light... Do you eat enough?" George asks, carrying him down the hall and to his room. Alex shrugs.
       "I just eat when I can I guess- so... No?" He blushes heavily, watching George open his door and step inside. He puts Alex down, shutting the door behind him.
"I'm guessing you want to be sub?" He asks, Alex nods, taking off his jacket.


"Y-yes sir. I don't typically sub- well- actually I've never done much with anyone, and even then with myself I'm not sure what I'd be more adept at- Ah!" He yelps as George suddenly pins him against the wall, hands by his head. He kisses Alex passionately, swiping his tongue over Alex's bottom lip to ask permission. Alex opens his mouth slightly, allowing George to mercilessly explore his mouth. He slowly moved his hands down to Alex's shirt, lifting it up over his head and tossing it aside. Alex whimpers, his pants a bit tighter due to his growing arousal. George pulls away for a moment, glancing down at Alex's bulge.
        "It's been like that since the end of class hasn't it?" He asks, knowing full well what the answer was. Alex nods, moaning quietly as George began planting kisses up and down his neck, slowly going lower and lower, caressing his sides.
        "I couldn't stop thinking about you, about this. I wanted this so bad, I-Ahhh... O-Oh sweet heavens..." He looked down at George, watching him take off his pants along with his boxers, his length springing out at full attention. George smiles.
       "So naughty, but I'm glad you resisted the urge to finish yourself off." He praises, his voice low and soothing. Alex loved this, he simply couldn't get enough.
       "Let me do something for you, you've done so much for me already." He insists, reaching for George's pants, George allows him to, watching him pull his pants and briefs down. Alex yelps in surprise as George's length smacks him in face on the way up. George chuckles.
        "Got a little too close there." He purrs. Alex smiles, only now realizing that his length was much larger than his own.
        "Oh my... I'm impressed- I... I... Don't..." He didn't know where to start. He gently held George's length, pumping it slowly, thinking of how he would approach this. He shuddered as George set a hand on his head. He looked up at George sheepishly, then back to his length. He licked the tip gently, earning a small chuckle from George. Alex smiles, realizing how silly it must have looked. He clears his throat, taking George's tip into his mouth, sucking on it gently, slowly taking in more. George moaned softly, telling Alex he must be doing something right. He closed his eyes, forcing more into his mouth, bobbing his head slowly. He gagged slightly, looking up at George. He was moaning softly, eyes shut. Alex suddenly hugged George's waist, deep throating his length. He swallowed quickly, fighting the urge to gag. George moaned loudly, quickly pulling Alex off his length, his cock twitching slightly.
         "Mnhhh... Fuck that was close... I didn't want you to choke... Anyway, come here." He picks Alex up again, gently setting him down on his bed. Alex looked up at George expectantly, watching him grab lube from his nightstand.
        "George, please... I need you so badly..." He squirms a bit, watching George lube up his fingers. He smiles, setting the lube down and circling a finger around Alex's entrance. He whimpers, positioning himself on his hands and knees, giving George better access. He moans sharply as George suddenly slipped a finger inside, gently curling his finger and making Alex melt. He tightened around George's finger, getting used to it when George abruptly added another finger, Alex's opening his mouth in a lewd expression. George smiles, watching Alex squirm with each movement. He slowly began pumping his fingers in and out of him, Alex mewling quietly with every thrust. George smiles, pulling his fingers out and lubing up his cock. Alex looked back at George, a bit nervous due to his size. He braces himself as George presses his tip to Alex's entrance.
       "Are you ready?" He asks quietly. Alex nods, relaxing a bit. George gently pushes in, Alex whimpering as the tip slipped in.
       "Ahh! MnhH..." He whimpers, feeling George push deeper and deeper inside him. He could feel himself squeeze around George's cock. He took a moment to adjust, looking back at George.
       "G-Go..." He managed to squeak out, burying his face in a pillow as George slowly formed a pace, bucking his hips into Alex. Alex moaned deeply, losing track of time as George slowly sped up, driving him insane with the lust and pleasure, the heat slowly building in his abdomen. He moaned louder and louder, clutching onto the sheets as George slammed into him quickly.
       "L-Lexi! I'm gonna cum!" He warns, his eyes squeezed shut from pleasure. Alex moans loudly.
        "Yes! Daddy!! Please!! Fill me!!" He demands loudly. George quickly came hard into Alex, Alex moaning deeply at the sensation, coming hard onto the bed. George pulled out of Alex with a wet pop, flopping back onto the bed. Alex huffs, flopping forward, curling up on the bed.
         "Fuck... That was amazing... I'm gonna be sore for a week though... Hehe..." He smiles, sighing happily as George spooned him, kissing him on the ear.
         "Just going to take a little... nap..." He yawns, shutting his eyes. Alex smiles, letting himself relax, slowly falling asleep.

Holy cow, that's about 1200 words right there.

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