Pheacker - Call me Master

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((#1 Pheacker? The fuck?))
Alright, this was requested by @WhyCouldntItBe, lovely request, something we haven't seen for a while! Anyway, like always, request whatever you like, and skip to to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

           Phillip sighs, looking at porn on his phone. It wasn't really doing anything though. Maybe he had been watching it too much lately. He frowns, looking up random fetishes and videos, before landing on BDSM. He thinks for a moment, clicking on one that looked intriguing. He wasn't expecting to get so excited when he saw a small guy strapped to a bed, a choker collar on, and a cock ring tight around cock. Phillip shudders, watching a completely ripped man walk over and start teasing the smaller guy, pumping his cock painfully slow, and pulling on the collar roughly.
             "Oh fuck... I think..." He reaches down into his pants, sure enough, he was hard as rock. He squirms, quickly turning his phone off and stuffing it in his pocket as he got up to find Eacker. He walks out of his room and into the kitchen, seeing George eating a sandwich. He looks up from his food, chewing slowly.
            "Hm? Why do you have a boner?" He asks, swallowing his food. Phillip blushes, wringing his hands nervously.
             "Well... Um... I think I have a BDSM fetish... I was exploring, and I'm... really, really fucking hard right now... And I was wondering if you wanted to give it a shot..." He asks, still unsure how George would respond. George smirks, biting the inside of his lip.


             "Call me Master, and maybe I'll consider it." He purrs huskily, standing up from his chair and sauntering over to Phillip, holding his thighs. Phillip shudders, pressing himself closer to George.
"Please, Master..." He whines, biting his lip. George hums in approval.
             "Jump." He orders. Phillip quickly hops up, George catching his thighs and carrying him to their room. Phillip let out a soft huff as he was dropped onto the bed.
"Stay there Pip, I need to grab some things." He purrs softly, giving Phillip a wink. Phillip squirms, watching George exit the room, hearing him open the door to the storage closet. He quickly undressed, tossing his clothes to the floor and posing himself in a sexy way. He looks down at his cock, which twitched with need. George walks back into the room with a box in his arms. Phillip squirms as he watched his lover pull out some rope, a toy whip, some duct tape, and a chain of beads, as well as some lube.
"Master... Please..." Phillip whines quietly. George smiles, taking the duct tape and ripping off a piece, sticking it to Phillip's mouth. Phillip whines, watching George slowly take the whip and smack his chest with it. He lets out a sharp and short whimper as George smacks him again, his cock twitching.
"Such a bad boy for me, aren't you? A mess from my touch... Mmm..." He growls lowly, taking the rope and tying Phillip's wrists up to the bedposts, while tying his knees back so he was completely spread, his cock standing at attention proudly. George grins.
               "Mmm... Lovely." He purrs, taking the whip again and gently slapping Phillip's cock. Phillip jolted a bit, whimpering as he felt a bolt of excitement shoot through his groin.
"Mmph!! Mmm..." He squirms, watching George gently trace lines over his nips with the handle of the whip, tossing it aside to rub Phillip's nips with his hands, watching the smaller boy moan and close his eyes. George suddenly rips the duct tape off his mouth, Phillip crying out softly at the slight pain.
"Ahh... Master... Please... Master fuck me..." He whines. George grins.
"I'm getting to it sweetheart." He purrs, pinching and rolling Phillip's nips between his fingers.
"Just keep calling me master." He purrs, leaning down and gently biting at his neck and collarbone. Phillip huffs, his stomach tensing in excitement.
"Master... Harder! Ah!" He begs, balling his hands into fists. Eacker grins, biting down harder on his neck and sensitive spots, leaving bite marks and hickeys. He grabs the lube, and the string of beads that gradually got larger. He lubes them up, watching Phillip bite his lip and squirm with anticipation.
"Oh please... Please..." He begs desperately. George chuckles, slowly sliding the first bead in, earning a small whine from Phillip, who's eyes were glossy and pupils blown from lust. He moans slightly louder as George continued to push the beads in at a steady pace, the full sensation growing as each bead got larger and larger. The slight twinge of pain only sweetening the pleasure for Phillip.
"Mnhhhh!! Master!" He yelps as the last bead was pushed in, quite a bit larger than the rest. George smiles.
"Such a good boy for me Pip.~" He says in a low husky tone. Phillip moans softly, feeling George start to tug on the beads.
"Master..." He whines. George grins, pulling the beads out quickly, Phillip letting out some rather whorish moans, vaguely resembling 'Master'.
              "Mhhhh!!! Mahaaa!!" He was a little out of breath, the adrenaline and incessant moaning doing a number on him. George smiles, slowly and teasingly pumping his cock, slathering a generous amount of lube on it. Phillip whines,  bucking his hips up a bit.
                "P-please..." He fusses impatiently, biting his lip. George presses his tip to Phillip's entrance, quickly sliding in, making Phillip moan sharply in delight.
               "YES!! Ahh!! Master!!" He gasps as George starts up at a quick pace, mercilessly slamming into him.
              "You like that Pip? Hmm? Ahh... You want more?" He asks with a huff, gripping at Phillip's hips roughly. Phillip nods quickly, crying out as George hit his prostate repeatedly, making the pool of heat in his stomach tighten with every stimulation, tears pricking his eyes as George thrusted deeper and faster with every passing second. Soon he was reduced to a moaning squirming mess, pre-cum beading at the tip of his cock as George slammed into him as fast as he could.
               "M-Master!!! I want to come!" He begs. George grunts, nodding.
               "Fuck!! One second Pip! Hnn!!" He suddenly stills inside of Phillip, filling him with his hot come, making Phillip moan sharply, the odd sensation driving him over the edge, the tense knot unraveling all at once as he came hard onto his stomach.
               "Yess!!! Ahhhh!!! Ahh!!" He whimpers as he slowly came down from his high, looking up at George's tired expression, watching him pull out and flop over beside him.
                "Mmm... That was great..." He says softly. Phillip nods.
                "Definitely something new... Can you untie me? Please? So I can cuddle you?" He asks. George nods, quickly untying Phillip and laying down beside him. Phillip smiles, kissing George on the forehead.
                "Someone sleepy?" He teases sweetly. Eacker huffs.
               "I will tie you up again." He warns.

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