Kington - Captured by the King (Part 6)

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Alright! This is starting to go one way or another! Ehhhhh no, we're probably gonna flip flop where we're going, spy or lover, for a while before I decide. Anyway, like always, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️         

         Alexander took a deep breath, taking out his quill set and sitting down to write. He planned on using a cipher to encode a message, that they would have to decode. He prayed this would work. Just in case he couldn't make it out in a month or so. He sighs, keeping his ears perked, just in case.

My dearest friend Laurens, I may need to ask you for extra assistance. Daring to write this blasted letter may be my undoing. I hurt my hand jerking off, and I need your assistance from across the sea.

I'm telling you, the streets of Britain are a zoo of sickness, you can hear coughing in the streets. Maybe at last I can fix my active yearning for something fun, zoos are fun right?

Anyway, Most things in the palace are tolerable. Of course they make sure I have extra blankets and they get me all the extra food I could ever want. Everything is very clean, almost excessively clean. I need to relax.

Tell me, is Abigail well? The way Oliver spoke of her last time, makes me believe she's excessively sick. The land lord, Bill, mentioned Abigail in a previous letter, though I don't remember what it was about, it was so long ago. Oh well, I'll ask about it again another time when I remember what the letter contained. Ah! I just remembered, Abigail needed a box of 19 kegs of whiskey for the cellar, the one just in town! Keep an eye on that, okay?

Your most scatterbrained friend,
                                                             A . Ham.

He lets out a shaky breath. He hoped the subtle underlining of letters would be enough to get his message across. He waits for the ink to dry before grabbing an envelope and sliding the letter in. He closes the envelope and seals it with wax, pressing a seal into it. There. It was done. He heard footsteps down the hall, quickly recognizing them as George's footsteps. He had a somewhat quick step, walking on the balls of his feet. He notices that his step was quicker and heavier than usual.

He tries to act natural, putting the writing supplies away. The door opens, and George steps through quickly. He was red in the face, looking like he was about cry. Alex frowns, watching him speed walk to the bed and flop down face first onto it. He huffs, hitting the bed a couple times with his fist, muttering his frustrations into the blankets. Alex frowns, setting the letter down and walking up to George, standing by the bed.
"Are you okay? Something wrong?" He asks. George huffs, pushing himself up a bit to speak.
"I'm fine! Nothings wrong, I just hate talking to parliament! They... They put so much pressure on me to decide things. I don't want... Anything to happen to you... They want me to get rid of you. Kill you, trade you for British soldiers the Americans have captive, do all sorts of things with you. As if you were nothing more than a pawn. I used to see you that way." He admits, sitting up on the bed and putting his hands in his lap. Alex felt his opinion of George change a bit, and he sits down beside George, listening to him intently.
          "But that's not what or who you are. You're a wonderful person Alexander... And, I know I've said it over and over, but... I really love you." He smiles. Alex wasn't sure how to respond. He hadn't really felt a definitive feeling of attraction towards this man, but now his stomach was full of butterflies. George frowns.
           "The problem... is that I know you don't feel the same. You enjoy the sex, sure... But you're always somewhat distant. You play along. Maybe they are right. Maybe you are going to betray me." Alex frowns, if he wasn't careful with his words now, it could mean his life being placed on the chopping block.
           "The problem, is that you haven't allowed yourself to be a good lover. Keeping me cooped up in this room for so long... Makes one crazy, irritable, no? But now that I have free will, to wander around the palace, I feel more at ease. Keeping your significant other confined to a room... Doesn't bode well for attraction." The king suddenly has a lightbulb moment.

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