Jamilmads - Little tease

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This was requested by @SapphireThePansexual. I guess you guys really love Alex and Thomas huh? Anyway, like always, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ (Note: I apologize for the wait, I got distracted by a bunch of stuff!)

3rd Person POV***

Alexander sipped his drink idly, dolled up for the night with eyeliner and lipgloss. He had also fluffed up his hair a bit, but nothing too crazy. Just a casual night at the bar. If anything was going to draw attention to him however, it was what he was wearing. Shorts that showed off his butt, a crop top, and some short heels. Maybe not the best thing to be wearing in winter, but today was in the mid 50's, freaky warm for New York this time of year. As long as he wasn't outside for long, it was tolerable. Besides, he had a big fluffy coat hanging on the back of his chair.

Jefferson on the other hand, was mingling with the crowds, his southern drawl/charm were the talk of the party. He didn't wear makeup, as he knew he was already hot stuff. He was wearing a rather flamboyant outfit, a fuchsia shirt with frills on the cuffs, a belt across his waist, and baggy bellbottom pants. And to top it all off, leather boots. He grins, looking at the bar with a smirk.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that's a sexy woman. But since I do know better, I'd guess that's Hamilton. What do you think Madison?" He asks his wingman curiously. The smaller man hummed softly, chewing his lip.

"Well... I suppose there's only one way to find out. I'll stay over here." He says softly. Thomas slipped Madison a sly smirk, walking toward the bar.

Madison sighs softly. He was only friends with Thomas. He had longed to ask for more, but he was too shy to ask about it; afraid of rejection. He was nervous Thomas might not find him attractive enough. So, he simply watched from the sidelines as Thomas sauntered up to Hamilton.

"New in town?" He asks Hamilton, taking a seat beside him. The smaller man turned his head to look at Thomas, smirking as he saw the pompous Virginian. He shook his head, smiling.

"You're definitely new to this bar. I thought a place like this wasn't classy enough for you. Apparently you lowered your standards." He teases, sipping the last few drops of watered down whiskey from his glass. Thomas scoffs, propping himself up on his elbows as he leaned against the bar.

"Oh please, like you raised yours coming to a dump like this. Whiskey on ice." He called the bartender, putting his card on the counter. Hamilton eyed the card at a glance, setting his glass down.

"Didn't take you for a whisky kind of guy." Hamilton says softly, surprised when 'Thomas's' drink was set in front of him instead. Jefferson only smirked, shaking his head. Alexander grinned back, in a better mood now that he had a drink in his hand. "I'd hazard a guess you only drink the nectar of the gods." He teases. Thomas licks his lip suggestively, letting out a low giggle.

"Well that depends on your definition of nectar, Hammy. If you mean the collection of it I'm dying to milk from your cock, then maybe your assessment is correct." He smiles. Hamilton shuddered at the lustful suggestion, biting his lip.

"If that's what you want, I will happily play the god.~" He laughs softly. Thomas laughs loudly, amused with Hamilton's wit. Alex continued. "However, I find it equally tempting to let you sink your aching length into my tight heat." He reached over and caressed Thomas's thigh, the larger man biting his lip as his legs tensed.

"Little tease.~" He chuckles softly, placing his hand over Hamilton's and gently moving it higher, toward his cock. He was already at half mast, wondering if he should ask to go to the bathroom and continue this more amorously. Alexander smirks.

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