HamBurr - Love forgotten (Part 2)

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Alright, once again, this was requested by @strange-asthetics , so, if you want to leave a request of your own, feel free to comment it on any chapter! Like always, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
P.S this is a long one. :) Smut is near the end.

3rd Person POV***

Burr and Alexander were attending the Winter's ball, of course, neither of them knew the other was there. Burr was on the sidelines, scoping out the ladies and seeing if he could find a suitable partner to dance with. Alexander was also scoping out the ladies, absentmindedly wandering over towards Burr without realizing it. Burr sees Alexander walking closer. He wanted to say something, but ended up having to block Alexander from walking straight into him. Alexander flinches of course, putting his hands up. He took a moment to regain where he was, smiling at Burr.
"Ah! Sir- I didn't expect to see you here! Ah- what's your name?" He asks quickly. Burr blushes a bit, though he didn't notice.
"Aaron Burr. And you're Alexander Hamilton, I caught your name from a buddy of yours." He says quietly. Alexander nods, realizing they were very close to each other. He took a slow step back. Both of them felt the tension, they both wanted to say something, but neither could bring themselves to do so in front of so many people. Alex put his hand out.
       "Care to dance?" He asks with a grin. Burr looks around to see a few men jokingly dancing together. Burr nods.
       "Fine, seems safe." He says, taking Alexander's hand. Alex's hands were a bit calloused from writing so much, his fingertips stained with ink. Burr's were soft, gently caressing Alex's skin. They stepped in time with the music, occasionally tripping over one another's feet. Alexander smirks, suddenly spinning Burr around and pulling away from him. Burr follows Alex the best he could, pulling away as well, their free arms stretched out wide.

       They pulled back in, clasping both their hands together, extremely close. Burr held his breath out of nervousness, his cheeks felt like they were burning as he looked around the room to see people smiling and laughing, seeming to be enjoying the show. Burr suddenly bends Alex over, earning a small yelp from Hamilton. Hamilton looked up at Burr cutely, his cheeks rosy from embarrassment. Both felt the connection, their hearts beating out of their chest. He pulls him back up, spinning him on his feet. Hamilton stumbled backward in surprise, the crowd parting like the Red Sea to avoid the hurricane that was Hamilton. Burr winces as Hamilton fell on his butt, his head spinning. Hamilton dizzily got up, rubbing his tailbone gently. Burr rushes over to him.
      "Hey are you alright? I didn't mean to do it that hard... You're so light..." He says, deeply flustered. Alexander waves his hand dismissively.
      "I-It's fine! Don't even worry about it! It's fine!" He says quickly. A beautiful young woman in a pink dress walks over to Hamilton, taking him by the arm.
      "Come with me a second, I have someone I want you to meet!" She says cheerfully. Alex blinks.
      "Where are you taking me?" He asks as she was leading him away from Burr. The woman smiles.
      "I'm about to change your life." She states simply. Alex looks back at Burr one last time before disappearing into the crowd.
      "Then by all means, lead the way." Burr watched his friend slip away, his heart aching as he saw a glimpse of Hamilton kissing a young lady's hand through the crowd. He quickly withdrew, away from the bustle of the party, hot tears of frustration welling in his eyes. He stepped outside, into the cold winter air. He sighed, his breath making a small puff of steam, quickly dissipating into nothing. He scoffs to himself.
         "Disappeared just like my chances..." He muttered to himself.


       The year is 1796. Burr and Alexander have gone their separate ways, yet still staying rather close to each other, subconsciously being as close as possible while still keeping at a distance. Burr was going to meet Alexander soon, to discuss the sensitive subject of John Adams. Hamilton had been recently fired by him. Burr walked up to Hamilton's legal office, knocking on the door firmly. He watching Hamilton peek through the blinds, Hamilton sees Burr, and goes to the door, opening it for him. Burr steps inside, looking to Hamilton.
      "Hamilton, you're acting... More aggressive than usual... and oddly cautious, how've you're been-" He didn't even get to finish when Hamilton went off.
      "John Adams claims I'm in a league with Britain, he thinks I'm a spy! And last thing I want is to be hanged today! He's such an asshole! Damn him to hell! He never shows up to work, never does any work anyway! He's a fat arrogant asshole! That's what he is!" He growls. Burr put his hands up defensively.
      "Hamilton, the line is behind you, you crossed it again! I agree he shouldn't have fired you, but you have to admit your writing style, and the government you set up, makes it look like you want a monarchy again! Not to mention the Jay Treaty! No one wants to trade with England, Hamilton! Someone managed to clock you in the forehead with a rock about that I hear- Anyway- the point is, you need to chill out!" He yelled angrily. Hamilton growls lowly, suddenly grabbing Burr's hand and waist, bending him back in a dance-like manner.

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