Working hours - (Lams)

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((Hope you guys enjoy! Feel free to give advice or tips! I appreciate feedback and requests!))

Alex POV

I began writing another letter, my hands cramping from hours of scribbling sentences upon sentences of notes. I rubbed my eyes, sitting back in my chair. A knock on my door startled me from my thoughts, making me drop my quill and nearly spill my ink.
"Whoever it is, I am busy! I need to finish these letters!" I say quickly, picking my quill pen back up and wiping the ink off my hands. John Laurens walked into the room, cups in hand as he strode up to my desk.
"Alex, come on! You're always writing, you need to live a little! Raise a glass!" He set one glass down, raising his own. I smiled slightly, taking the glass and toasting with him.
"Alright... Alright... A small break. But then I need to finish these letters!" I say with a grin, sipping from the glass. John smiles at me, circling around to my chair and spinning it so I was facing him.
"Come on.~ Lets take a break, just you and me.~" He purrs, gently raising a hand to my cheek, and grazing his thumb over my lips. I blush deeply, holding my hand over his.
"John..." I whimper quietly, watching Laurens get on his knees suddenly and start unbuckling my belt. "What are you doing-? John I h-have to get back to work s-soon." I stammer, biting my lip as he rubs my cock through my boxers. John grins. "Mm.~ Go ahead and try, but I don't think you'll be able to focus with this.~" He says, rubbing my now throbbing length. I squirm in protest as he tugs my pants and boxers down to my knees.
"J-John...~ O-oh..." I stutter, watching him gently plant a kiss on my slit. "St-stop being so cute...~" I whimper, my stomach tensing up as he took part of my cock into his mouth, sucking gently and massaging the tip with his tongue. He looks up at me briefly, before slowly taking in more of me, his lips wrapped around my shaft and my tip pressed against the back of his throat. "L-Laurens! A-Ah fuck...~ Please...~~" I beg, grabbing the back of his head as he started sucking again, bobbing his head up and down methodically. I ran my fingers through his curly hair, trying to focus on the pleasure he was giving me in bounds. John grabbed my waist, suddenly deep throating my cock like a madman, bobbing his head furiously. My face was growing hot from pleasure, tension building up as I grew close. "J-John!!~~ Oh fuck!!~~" I yell loudly, my cock twitching in his mouth. I suddenly cum into his mouth, and I pull his head down onto my cock, shaking as I rode out the pleasure. "Ah...~ Holy shit Laurens...~~ Fuck...~" I let him pull away, my cum dripping down his chin a bit. He wipes his mouth, and pulls up my pants for me. He grins.
"Write a little letter about how that was for me.~ I know you have time." I watch him leave, my cheeks still flushed. "Alright! I love you!" I yell back. The door shuts, and look back down at the papers on my desk. I look at the candle wax I had for sealing letters. I would have to use some pink for him.

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