Lams - Popsicle teasing

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Alright, popsicles are always a fun way to start, so let's do that! As usual, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Alex sighs happily, he'd been dating John for about 10 months. They did basically everything together, with the exception of work. He was a stay at home writer, while John was off at the veterinary clinic, usually working with turtles. He had just received a text from John.

*I'll be home in less than 5 minutes Lexie. ;)*

He smiles, texting back while getting up to head to the fridge.

*I'll save a popsicle for you!*

He opens the freezer, peeking in at the selection of frozen treats. He pulls out the box of rocket popsicles, grabbing two. He opens one immediately, happily biting into it. He waits at the kitchen table, nearly finished with his when he hears a knock at the door. Alex runs over and slides on the wooden floor in his socks, grabbing the door handle and twisting, throwing the door open.
"Hello darling!" He smiles as John steps in and kisses him on lips sweetly.
       "Hello Lexie!" John smiles, stepping past Alex and grabbing the popsicle on the kitchen table. "So, you write poems like usual? About how much you miss me?" He grins, unwrapping the popsicle. Alex blushes.
       "Maybe... But I also had to do some actual writing for a book... Y'know." He says, deadpan. John puts his hand over his heart, faking to be hurt.
       "*gasp* Actual writing?" He scoffs. Alex huffs.
       "You know that's not what I meant..." He pouts, and pauses as he watches John lick stripes up the popsicle. He shudders, locking eyes with John for only a split second. But that was enough for John to understand. He grins, slooooowly licking the popsicle and wrapping his lips around the top, slipping it in and out of his mouth. He pauses every now and then so he  wouldn't get brain freeze. Laurens teasingly deep throats the popsicle, pulling it out quick.
        "Mmph- Cold!" He remarks, chuckling. Alex whimpers, squirming as he watched John continue to lick and suck at the popsicle, planting kisses up it, and sucking on certain spots to get the flavor out. He licked the popsicle stick clean when he was done. Alex huffs.


         "God damn, it's torture to watch you eat popsicles, you never bite them..." He whines. John chuckles.
          "Well, would you like me to satisfy this urge?~" John suddenly walks up to Alex and palms his length through his jeans. Alex shuts his eyes, biting his lip as John slides his pants down.
"John... Ahh..." He was vaguely aware that he was slowly being pushed back, heading for the couch. He stumbled as his heel hit something, and he flailed backwards, landing on the couch with a quiet thump. John grins, pinning Alex to the couch with his knee against Alex's crotch.
        "Heh, cute." He remarks as Alex opens his mouth in a silent moan. Alex whimpers, squirming as John slid his hands under his shirt, taking it off with ease. He slowly traced his finger around Alex's nipple, gently licking the other one. Alex whimpers, letting out tiny squeaks of pleasure. John slid his free hand down to Alex's shorts, taking them off roughly. Alex whimpers at the cool air, watching John take off his pants as well.
        "John... Please..." He begs quietly, biting his lip as John ripped off Alex's boxers, following with his own. John put his fingers up to Alex's mouth.
        "Suck." He demands. Alex takes John's fingers into his mouth, his lips wrapping around his knuckles, swirling his tongue around to make sure his fingers were slicked up. John pulls his hand away, moving it down to Alex's hole, slipping the two fingers in slowly. Alex whimpers, bucking his hips up.
       "Ahhhh... John..." He whines as John curls his fingers slightly, scissoring his fingers. He pumps his fingers into Alex slowly, being rather gentle, earning quiet moans from Alex. He whimpers as John takes his fingers out, pumping his own length for a moment.
        "Mmm. Get on your hands and knees, beautiful." He demands. Alex complies, propping himself up on his hands and knees. John grabbed a bottle of lube from a nearby drawer, flicking open the cap and squirting a good amount on his fingers. He pumped his own length a few times, biting his lip. He traced circles around Alex's entrance as well, lubing him up a bit. Alex sways his hips in anticipation.
       "John... Please, the wait is killing me..." John smiles, pressing his tip to Alex's hole. He slipped the tip in abruptly, earning a sharp moan from Alex. John grips Alex's waist tightly as Alex squeezes him, tight around his cock. He carefully pushes the rest of the way into Alex, making him shudder. John starts to thrust into Alex, rolling his hips, bucking into Alex's prostate. Alex moans loudly, gripping the couch tightly as he threw his head back. John pulled an Alex's hair, earning more whimpers and moans from the smaller man.
        "John!! Please!! Yes! Yes!" He was extremely vocal. John chuckles, picking up his pace, slamming into Alex halfway to top speed. Alex gasps in surprise as John switched positions, turning Alex onto his side and propping a leg over his shoulder. He slammed into Alex mercilessly, managing to hit the bundle of nerves every time, driving moans from Alex.
       "Ahhh!! AHHH!! John!! Yes John!!" He screamed, making John pound into him as fast as he could. The familiar warmth built in their stomachs, slowly tightening and growing. White clouded John's vision as he came hard into Alex, Alex soon following, the thick ropey strands of cum painting his stomach and the leather couch. John and Alex panted tiredly, flopping over onto each other, quickly cuddling up with each other. John pulled a blanket over them, kissing Alex on the cheek.
         "That was great.~ Did you enjoy my popsicle?" He asks, teasing. Alex smiles.
         "Heh... Yeah. Sure did hun."

Well that was fun! Sorry about the wait! Again, if you leave a request, for any ship, and any topic, I will fill that request. Make sure you comment it!

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