Jamilton - Webcam Sex

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I dunno what's gonna happen, but I guess we'll see! Skip to these if you don't like any of the lead up; ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Have fun, maybe leave a request or vote, I will take ANY request. Enjoy!

Alex POV***

     I was typing at home, writing a report for a client, Mr. Washington. He had asked me to write a letter for him, and I'd be damned if I messed it up. I rubbed my eyes, sighing. It was tiring, but it was work. I missed Thomas, who was currently on a business trip in France. That Virginian had the most beautiful eyes, the fluffiest hair, and smoothest body I had ever laid eyes on. Just imagining him was enough to distract me from my work.
Well, I suppose daydreaming had its way of doing that. I shook my head, focusing on typing once again. I looked down at what I was wearing. One of Jefferson's gray hoodies, and some tight boy shorts I had picked up at a thrift store. I worked from home, so it didn't matter what I wore. I leaned back and scratched my arm idly, looking over what I had written. Everything seemed neat and orderly, and I fixed some minor errors; underlined in red by the computer.
I saved my work and sent it off to Mr. Washington, calmly letting out the breath I had been holding. I found myself daydreaming again, imagining what Thomas was wearing. I looked at the time; 9:23 pm, I bet he was still in his business suit, maybe just arriving at his hotel now. I twirled my hair around my finger, thinking about him as I closed my eyes, imagining his warm embrace, his hot breath on my neck as he cuddled up with me. God I missed him and his hot looks. The way his hair always smelled of vanilla and coconut oil. How his five o'clock shadow was rough against my face as he kissed me.
The Skype ringtone jumped out at me from the computer, startling me from my thoughts, and my hand away from my crotch. I gathered myself to look at who was Skyping me, but I quickly got excited again as I saw it was Thomas. I opened the video call, and I couldn't help but smile as I saw Thomas looking back at me.
"Alex! So nice to see you hun, I couldn't wait to see you when I got to the hotel!" He smiles, holding his head up with his hands. I blush.
"Awwwww... Thomas! I was thinking about you when you called, and I still am!" I grin, scooting closer to the computer. Thomas gets closer to the screen as well, squinting.
"Are you wearing my hoodie?" He asks, suddenly smirking. I blush heavily, leaning back.
"Maybe... It smelled like you... And I missed you..." I admit, looking at Thomas guiltily. Thomas smiles.
"Show me what else you're wearing." He demands, gesturing for me to stand up. It scoot back with my chair, getting up and lifting the hoodie to show the boy shorts I was wearing. Thomas hummed.


"Very cute. Mind turning around and showing me that cute little ass?" He asks, loosening his tie.
"Sure, Tommy." I purr, turning around and lifting up the hoodie to show off my butt. I squeezed my ass to tease Thomas, smiling as I heard him hum with approval.
"Wonderful... Do me a favor, take off that hoodie." He purrs, slowly stripping off his suit, and tossing his tie aside. I bite my lip, watching him undress as I stripped off my hoodie and tossed it aside. My slim figure and toned muscles drove Thomas crazy, and I watched him squirm in his chair, removing his shirt to show off. I turn and pose for Thomas, and I hear him unzip his pants. The thought that I got Thomas this excited by seeing me, made me fucking hard.
        "Alex, g-go ahead and take off those shorts, and whatever you're w-wearing underneath." He says shakily, clearly touching himself.
        "Anything for you Tommy." I say in a husky tone, removing the shorts and briefs at a torturously slow pace. It frustrated both of us, but I wanted to hear him moan. My cock stood up against my stomach, standing proudly for Thomas. Thomas gestures to the nightstand next to me.
        "P-Pull out the red vibe babe, go ahead and prep yourself too." He says, tilting the camera down a bit so I could see he was slowly jacking himself off. I obediently open the drawer and rummage around, pulling out the red vibrator, the silicone smooth against my skin. I also pull out some lube, clicking the cap open and squirting a little into my hand. I slather the vibrator in lube, setting it on a tissue for later. I lean over our bed, my ass exposed for Thomas. I reached back and circled my fingers around my tight hole, slowly slipping two fingers in, making myself moan.
      "Ahh- T-Thomas..." I whimper, pumping my fingers into myself for a moment before adding a third, driving another moan out. Thomas huffs.
      "That's a good baby girl...~ Go ahead and put that vibe in, I w-wanna see you squirm." He purred, pumping his length a little faster. I whimper at the loss of my fingers, and I grab the vibrator. I realize it was a little bigger than I thought as I pressed the tip to my hole, shuddering at the cold sensation. I very slowly press it in, gasping as it easily slid into me. I felt full, God, I loved the sensation. I was about to start moving it when Thomas cut me off.
        "No no, get the remote." He said quickly. I nod, leaning over to the nightstand to find the remote. I gasp as the vibe suddenly shakes to life, thrusting and vibrating at the same time in pulses. I whine, leaning over the bed again, looking back at Thomas to see him holding up the remote.
         "Hold still, don't move." He instructed, pumping his length quickly. I whimper, focusing on the movement deep inside me. It was just barely vibrating enough to stimulate me, a pool of heat building in my abdomen. I moan sharply as I feel the vibrator suddenly kick up a few notches, thrusting into me quickly while vibrating at a high intensity. The pool of heat spread further, and I could feel myself slowly getting closer. Thomas was furiously pumping his length, watching me squirm and moan. I whimper, clutching at the bedsheets, screaming for him as he turned it to full intensity.
     "Thomas!!" I moaned, my tongue hanging out of my mouth lewdly as I felt the knot hit the edge. White clouded my vision as the knot unfurled, and I stalled, cumming hard onto the bedsheets. My knees shook as the vibrator kept going, overstimulation for me until Thomas finally switched it off. He was panting, and I assumed he had cum too. I pulled the vibe out, whimpering at the loss. I cleaned myself up and sat back down in the chair in front of the computer.
       "I love you Tommy. I hope you have a nice flight back." I say with a smile. Thomas nods, smiling back at me.
       "I will, you better keep being a good girl.~ Otherwise daddy is gonna have to punish you." He teases. I smile.
       "Don't worry, I'll be good." I promise. Thomas nods.
        "See you in two days sweetheart." He promised, and ended the call. I lean back in my chair, smiling. I couldn't wait to see him again.

1228 words. That's a new record I think- Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, feel free to leave a request in the comments!

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