Lams - Christmas Cheer (Fluff)

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This was requested by @DamienKindaSuccs, sorry it's past the holidays now, but better late than never right? Anyway, let's jump right in, thank you all for reading. ❤️

3rd Person POV***

Laurens sighs softly, curled up with a cup of hot cocoa by the fireplace, watching the flames flicker and dance with light. The heat of it kissed his skin, making him sigh with content. It was as if all the worries of the world had been melted away. Alexander settled in to join his partner, wrapping a blanket around the both of them.

"Hey hun." He purrs softly, kissing Laurens on the cheek. The larger man chuckles, nuzzling into Alex.

"Hey Lexi. Came to warm up?" He asks. Alex nods, yawning sleepily as he rested his head on his lovers shoulder.

"Yeah... just a little chilly." He admits. Laurens smiles, sipping his cocoa before handing the mug to Alex. His lover grins, taking it and having a swig of it. He was a bit surprised.

"Oh- I thought this was alcohol." He says with a laugh. Laurens scoffs, amused.

"We're not warming up that way. A warm fire and cup of hot cocoa are all I need." He says softly. Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Besides me? I warm you up don't I?" He asks with a cheeky smile. Laurens sighs softly, nodding.

"Yeah, you're also a ham. Figuratively and literally." He playfully pokes Alex's belly, making him giggle. They sigh together, nuzzling up with one another affectionately.

Alexander hums, listening to the soft crackling of the burning wood, and the occasional hiss of escaping air. The warmth radiating into him was enough to make anyone a little sleepy. He pressed his lips to Laurens cheek, giving him a little kiss. It was a small gesture, but it went a long way. The larger man smiles, pulling Alex closer into his embrace.

"I love you Alex... Merry Christmas." He says softly. Alexander grins, melting into the hug.

"Mmm... I love you too. Merry Christmas." He yawns suddenly, looking quite sleepy as he adjusted to lay his head down in Laurens lap. His lover smiles, running his fingers through Alex's hair.

"As much as I wanted a white Christmas, it would've been nice if it wasn't so cold." He laughs softly. Alexander snickers, finding the notion ridiculous. They lived in New York, were it was always cold in the winter.

"Well, we picked up north. Closer to all the important cities." He grins. Laurens scoffs.

"And Winston-Salem, North Carolina, isn't important?" He asks. Alexander chuckles.

"Nope.~" He says teasingly. Laurens swats him on the butt playfully.

"You're a little tease, you know that?" He asks with a laugh. Alexander smiles, nodding yes. They shared another moment of silence, besides a loud crack from the fire, making both of them jump as a coal hit the grate.

"Jumpscared by the fire." Alex laughs softly. Laurens snorts.

"You got scared too." He argues. Alex blushes, nuzzling into Laurens further.

"Did not..." He says stubbornly, looking up at him. John smirks.

"We both know you did." He says softly, combing his fingers through his hair. Alex sighs, and reluctantly agrees, setting the cup of cocoa down.

"Yeah... At least if I'm scared, I can be scared with you." He says lovingly, holding Laurens hand. Laurens smiles, squeezing his hand.

"Together." He agrees.

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