Kington - Captured by the King (Part 2)

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Alright, I just had so much fun writing the last chapter, it feels wrong to just leave it with a single part, hell, it might even develop into a mini story within this book. A part coming out every so often. I dunno, I was running low on ideas, and this was just a breath of fresh air. Anyway, enough about me, like always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Note: The smut stops and continues, this is the stopping sign: 💙💙💙💙

3rd Person POV***

Alexander smugly watches George get up from the floor, having been pushed off the bed. He groans, dusting himself off.
       "I know you did that on purpose!" He growls. Hamilton immediately regrets his rash decision.
       "Sorry... I..." George cuts him off, picking up the blindfold.
       "No. You don't get to be sorry for that. If it were anyone else, I'd have them lashed across the back. But you're too perfect for that. You're a work of art. So, I will simply leave you be for the next day. A maid will come to let you relieve yourself." He says firmly, putting his clothes back on and straightening them. He ties the blindfold back on Hamilton face.
"W-wait! Please! Don't blind me again!" He squirms. George growls.
"Hold still! This is your punishment, just take it!" George walks out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Alex sighs, welling up a bit, cursing himself for doing something so stupid. He hated being alone, left with nothing but his thoughts or the occasional sound of the floorboards creaking here and there. He sniffles, wishing he could wipe his nose.
"I'm sorry!!" He yells, on the verge of sobbing. "I'm sorry..." He whimpers.
"Don't leave me alone!! Please! Please..." He sniffles again, trying to hold back his sobs. He thinks to himself, sighing.
Maybe I really do have to trick him into thinking I'm brainwashed... I don't want to be here. Fuck, he was really good at pleas-

He shakes his head to clear his thoughts.

NO! No. Don't think about that. Anything but that. If I think about that, I really am going to get brainwashed. How the hell am I supposed to convince him of that... It can't just be the flick of a switch, I have to ease into it... Damnit, if I didn't have this blindfold I'd be able to count something or focus on something but... Now there in nothing. Just darkness, my thoughts, these bonds, and sound. Maybe I can sing.

Alex starts to hum to himself, very quietly at first. He started to get into it though, making up his own tune.
"I met a girl in Jersey! She was all sorts of curvy! And on the docks of Maryland I found a girl with contraband! And then in lovely Georgia, I met a girl named Aurora! And in the harbor of New York! Oh, all the wine we did uncork!" He jumps in surprise as a guard opens the door.
"Shut the fuck up! Bloody hell..." He shuts the door again, clearly fed up. Hamilton grumbles, his instinct of self preservation clearly not working as he continued.
"And in the taverns of Massachusetts, all the ladies had tight corsets!" He bellowed. The guard bursts into the room angrily, walking up to Hamilton and pressing something sharp to his neck. Hamilton flinches, swallowing. The guard huffs, extremely close, he could feel his breath on his ear.
"The king has given me direct permission to punish you. One more note, and I will make it much harder to breathe. Maybe that will quell your incessant singing." He threatens. Hamilton thinks for a moment, he tried to hold back a smile.
"What's so goddamn funny?" The guard hisses. Hamilton shakes his head.
"I can't tell you." He laughs, unable you hold back his smug grin.
"You better tell me you slimy snake!" He huffs, pressing the sharp object into his throat more. Hamilton scoffs.
"And in fair old London, I'm stuck in a dungeon!" He sings. The guard huffs, tossing the knife away and taking hold of the strings on the corset, tightening it quite a bit. Hamilton lets out a choked breath.
"Hhh! *cough* At least it was about England." The guard grumbles.
"Shut the fuck up!" He punches Hamilton in the stomach, making him jolt. The guard quickly leaves, taking his knife off the floor as well. He slams the door quickly. Hamilton huffs, his breathing a bit more shallow due to the corset. He sighs, feeling a bit defeated. Now he was really alone. No doubt the king would leave him alone for longer after this. He shuts his eyes, attempting to sleep.

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