Kington - Captured by the King (Part 4)

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Alright! I haven't done a chapter of this in a while, so here we are! Anyway, like always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Also, out of curiosity, where are you guys from? The USA? Serbia? Germany? I'm curious where you guys come from! I live in the US, so... Yeah I pretty much only know English. Feel free to comment where you're from!

3rd Person POV***

Alexander was still sitting on the bed from when George had left him alone. He was free from all his restraints, aside from the door of the room being locked. But, he could move. He took a deep breath, looking at his hands.
Ok... This is good. He thought to himself. I can write, if George left something for me to write with. He gets up from the bed, walking over to the dresser and opening the drawers curiously. It was full of clean shirts and pants, and oddly enough, his clean American army uniform. George probably kept it to model a few spy uniforms. He shut the drawer, opening everything with a handle that he could find. Clothes, perfumes, colognes, silverware, towels, everything but something to write with. He sighs, opening a final drawer on a desk. His heart fluttered in his chest as he saw a quill. But nothing to carve it into a useable nib, and no paper.
Damnit... of course he wouldn't have that in here. He sighs, leaning against the wall idly. Nothing was going his way, aside from George slowly trusting him more and more. He wasn't sure if he would be able to escape England at this point. It would be impossible to escape in daylight for certain. Much less in his particular attire, a fancy shirt and silk pants. He would need a British army uniform at the very least. His thoughts snapped back to reality as he heard footsteps down the hall. He shut the drawers as quickly and quietly as he could, leaving a couple open. George walked into the room carrying something new, an entire tray of food, chicken, roasted vegetables, and even a bit of caviar. As well as a glass of beer.
"Here we are! I thought you must be hungry." The king says with a smile. Alexander chuckles.
"Oh! Well yeah, I am a bit hungry." He admits, sitting down on the bed. George looked over at the open drawers with curiosity.
"What were you looking for?" He asks, setting the tray in Alex's lap. Alexander sighs, scooping up a bit of vegetables with his fork.
"Something to write with. I get bored, so writing is my go-to pastime." He says, taking a bite of his food.
"I see..." George says, folding his arms. Alexander takes another bite happily. George thinks for a moment.
"Hmm... Writing. I always found it tedious and pointless. Why write when I can have someone do it for me?" He asks. Alex chuckles.
"But isn't it satisfying to see a page full of writing? Especially your own. You get to think; wow, I wrote that. I did that." He explains.
"And putting your thoughts to paper is quite therapeutic, I recommend it." He says, swallowing. George nods in understanding.
"This is true. Very true." He sits down in a chair near the bed, gazing off into space, zoned out. Alexander kept eating his food, taking a sip of the beer. He grimaced.
            "Mm- The beer is... ah... not good." He coughs. The king frowns.
             "Oh? Sorry, I don't really drink beer, so I wasn't sure." He explains. Alex nods. After a few minutes, he finished his food, and set the tray aside.
              "That was very good! Well- aside from the beer..." He says, scratching at his back. The whip marks were still a little sore. George sighs.
               "I'm so sorry about that... I didn't think my own men would turn against me like that." He says somberly. Alex waves his hand dismissively.
              "Ahhhh don't worry about it. Not your fault. Besides, you shot one of them in the back for me. How's he doing by the way?" He asks. The king smiles creepily, sending a chill up Hamilton's back.
            "Oh he's dead. And the other one is wishing he was dead. He's being whipped as we speak. That's how much to mean to me Alexander. If anyone harms a hair on your head, they die. Plain and simple." He says, walking over to Alexander and sitting down next to him on the bed.
             "I'm going to get you something to write with, okay? Can't have you being too bored cooped up in here. Would you like some books as well?" He asks. Alexander was once again surprised at the kings hospitality. Even if it was slightly askew.
"Well yeah, I would love some books! Oh, uh... Can... can I write a letter to my people back home? Just... to let them know I'm alive and well?" He asks. The king thinks for a moment.
"Perhaps. As long as I can review who it's being sent to, and what the letter contains." He says. Alex nods.
"That's fair I guess..." He sighs. The king smiles.


"Good. You'll get those in the morning. For now... I think..." He slides his hand up Alexander's chest slowly, making a twinge of excitement bolt up from Alex's cock. Alexander bites his lip, gasping as the king grabbed his neck and shoved him back on the bed.
"Ah-! My king..." He whimpers, his cheeks flushing red. The king smirks.
"For now, I think I'll make you forget all of that, and make you think only of me." He purrs huskily, leaning down and kissing Alex on the neck deeply. Alexander whimpers, moaning softly as George slid his hand down into his pants, squeezing his cock gently.
           "George... Please..." He begs quietly. George smiles mischievously.
           "Oh, please what? Whaaaat?~" He asks teasingly, sliding off Hamilton's pants, quickly followed by his boxers. Hamilton whimpers, feeling George's hand tighten around his shaft.
           "Please... Make me yours..." He says softly. The raises an eyebrow.
            "Are you sure?" He asks quizzically. Alexander nods quickly.
"F-Fuck me until you're all I can think about..." He whimpers, bucking his hips up into the King's hand. The king huffs, grabbing the lube out of his pocket and setting it on the bed. He quickly stripped himself of his pants, not bothering with his shirt. Hamilton needed him, and he'd be damned if he was going to let him down. He quickly took the cork out of the bottle, pouring a liberal amount of lube on his cock, pumping it slowly. He hums, watching Hamilton pull his legs apart. The king huffs, quickly positioning himself at Hamilton's entrance.
"You ready darling?" He asks. Hamilton nods frantically, his cock twitching with need. A bolt of pain and pleasure shot up his crotch as the king slid fully into him, filling him to the brim
"Ahh!! Yes! Fuck me!" He begs loudly, squeezing his thighs as he bit his lip. Heat was already building from the frantic frenzy they were in, both of them shaking and moaning. The king huffs, putting Hamilton's legs over his shoulders as he started roughly bucking his hips into him. The king huffs, reaching a hand down to Hamilton's cock and squeezing it, pumping it slowly. Hamilton whimpers, a moaning mess from the King's touch.
"You like that Alexander? You like me being rough?" He asks, quickly slamming into him to emphasize a point. Alexander yelps, squeezing his eyes shut. His cock was dripping with precum, the excitement clouding his judgement.
"Yes!! M-more!! Harder George!" He begs again. The king growls, quickly thrusting into Hamilton, rolling his hips to make sure he hit his lover's prostate. Alexander's stomach tensed as George squeezed his cock again. George hums, already feeling the tight knot of heat climbing to a peak. He growls deeply, his cock twitching deep inside Alex.
"I'm close Alex! Ahh! You want me to fill you, hm? You want the king's cock buried deep inside you?" He asks huskily. Alexander screams in pleasure, clearly close as well.
"Yes!! Please! Fuck me harder!" He whines. Alex was lost to the pleasure, slowly but surely losing his mind to the king's persuasion. The king grins, slamming into Alex at full speed, making both of them moan with each thrust in. The king suddenly stills inside Alex, the hot pool of tension suddenly flooding out into Alex. Alexander whimpers loudly, coming hard onto his stomach, the excitement spreading up his cock and making his fingers tingle.
"YES!! George!" He moans sharply. The king sighs happily, flopping over beside Hamilton after he pulled out.
"There... Was that good? Felt good..." He pants tiredly, out of breath. Alexander nods.
"That was lovely... Thank you..." He moans softly. George was already out, asleep. Alexander sighs, looking up at the ceiling.

I could kill this man right now. But do I really want to? No... I don't think so... Fuck... Do I really love this man? I think I do. Maybe.

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