KingBury - (Fluff) Fireplace

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Alright, this was suggested by @ApollaLycan, once again. If you have a request, feel free to comment it, I take any and all requests. :) No smut in this chapter, as it's fluffy! Poof!

3rd person POV***

       King smiles as he set up the fireplace, stuffing some crumpled up balls of newspaper under the wood and setting it ablaze. The fire started quickly, and King slid the grate in front of the fireplace to stop any random ember that might jump out. Samuel walks into the room sleepily, looking down at the quickly growing fire.
      "Hey George... Mm..." He sits down next to King, nuzzling into him gently.
      "Already nice and warm..." He purrs happily. King nods, grabbing a blanket and tossing it over Samuel with a grin.
"Yes, my little gremlin." He teases. Samuel peeks out from under the blanket.
"I'm your gremlin though." He chuckles, adjusting the blanket so it was like a cloak. King smiles, watching the fire burn at a steady pace. It was a peaceful crackling, the ever so slight touch of smoke in the air was pleasant.
"Do you think fire is alive sometimes? Seems like it could be. Look at it dance and waver." He says. Samuel smiles, resting his head on King's shoulder, wrapping his arm around him gently.
"I guess so, it's almost like a liquid too... Transparent and... pretty... and warm..." He smiles, yawning as he slumped over. King smiles, laying Samuel down so his head was in his lap.
"How's this? More comfortable?" King asks. Samuel nods, smiling as George combed his fingers through his hair, sending little tingles down his neck and around his scalp.
"Mmm... That's really nice..." He says quietly, blinking and yawning, just barely awake. It was late, but King seemed wide awake. He looked down at Samuel happily, watching his sleepy partner curl up in his lap and relax at his gentle caresses.
"Do you believe in reincarnation Sam?" He asks quietly. Samuel looks up at King curiously.
"What's with these odd questions? I thought I was the religious one... But... No, not really. Why?" He asks. King smiles.
"Well I think you'd be a little cat. You're so small and cute, and you love curling up all over me." He chuckles softly. Samuel scoffs, nuzzling his face into King's leg.
"I think you'd be a lizard. You like the sun and heat a lot, you get really slow in the cold, and you love meat." He reasons. King smiles, fluffing Samuel's hair.
"Oh you tease!" He says with a grin. Samuel giggles, sitting up and kissing King on the cheek sweetly.
"I tease, but I also satisfy." He purrs. King nods in agreement, kissing Samuel on the lips tenderly, holding for a moment before pulling away. Their cheeks were pink with love and the heat from the fire.
"What would I do without you?" King asks quietly. Samuel thinks for a moment, and then shrugs, sitting up and scooting into King's lap. George smiles, wrapping his arms around Sam and planting a kiss on his cheek. Samuel beams, closing his eyes.
          "Mmm... Well you might be a little lonely... You love giving me affection so... you might end up going crazy without someone to love." He reasons. King nods.
          "Yeah, seems likely. I'd go mad." He chuckles softly.
          "I might end up dating myself!" Both of them giggled at this. Samuel sighs contently, looking at the fire.
          "I really hope we can be together forever." Samuel says softly, starting to fall asleep. King reaches into his pocket, pulling out a ring.
          "Well, we can. If you'll marry me." He says a small smile, blushing red. Samuel's eyes pop open at the mention of marriage, and he sees the ring, staring in astonishment.
          "You're... You're serious? If you are, yes! Absolutely!" He giggles, hugging King tightly and kissing him on the cheek. King smiles, kissing Sam all over his face and hugging him back.
          "When am I not serious? I've wanted to marry you for so long!" He chuckles. Samuel smiles, watching King slip the ring on his finger.
         "Heh... True... It's beautiful George, thank you..." He snuggles into King happily, sighing as he started falling asleep.
         "You're welcome Sam." He kisses Sam on the top of the head, watching him drift off.

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