Jamilton - You're home early!

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First off, I thoroughly apologize for the unexpected hiatus! College has been a pain so far...
Alright! This chapter was a request from @HiyaSir , I hope you all enjoy! We're gonna jump right into it! Thank you so much for 1K reads!
((Bottom Thomas Jamilton *caught cheating*))
3rd Person POV***

     Thomas bites his lip, gently running his hands up Madison's sides. Madison whimpers, leaning closer.
       "Tommy... Please... I... I want you to kiss me..." Thomas hums in approval, slowly leaning in and kissing Madison on the neck, sucking roughly here and there, leaving hickeys. Madison squeaked out small moans, hugging Thomas tightly as he moved up to his ears. Madison suddenly freezes, tensing up. Thomas pulls away.
         "What?" He asks, following Madison's gaze over his shoulder. He freezes.

          Alexander was standing in the doorway, holding his briefcase. He tosses it down by the door, clearly upset. Madison scooted back, clearly afraid of Alex's sudden stern expression. Alexander starts tying his hair back.
"Madison, get out. Thomas... You have some explaining to do." Madison ran out of the room, clutching his clothes over his crotch. Thomas stammered.
"Y-You're home early! I... I... I was..." He gulped, looking up at Alexander nervously. Alex folded his arms in disapproval.
"Yeah. That's not a good enough explanation Thomas. Why don't I explain for you?" He walked towards the bed slowly, beginning to take off his suit and tie.
"You decided I have too long of a work day, and told a friend of yours to come over and satisfy your urges while I was away." He unbuckles his belt, sliding it off. Thomas shook his head.
"N-no! That's not what it was-" Alexander cut him off.
"Oh! I'm wrong? Well, then apparently you decided I wasn't enough for you! That I don't do enough to keep you satisfied. Well, now that I'm home early, I think you'll find I have plenty of energy to fuck your brains out." He removed his pants and boxers, tossing them to the side. Thomas looked down at Alexander's already rock hard length. Alex put his hand under Jefferson's chin, lifting it up so they locked gazes.
"My eyes are up here, cheater." Thomas shudders, following Alex's lead as his hand was pushed into his chest, making him lay back on the bed. Thomas opened his mouth to speak, but Alex quickly made him moan instead, leaning his head down and very delicately licking lines up Thomas's neck. Thomas whimpers, looking up at Alex lustfully. Alexander began nipping at his ears and then slowly planting kisses down Thomas's chest and stomach, getting dangerously close to his cock, but never daring to touch it. At least not yet. Thomas whimpers.
        "Alexander... Please..." He huffs. Alex grabbed Thomas's hands, pinning them above his head.
        "No no, don't say anything." He says quietly, grabbing the lube from the bedside drawer. He squirts some onto his fingers, lubing up his cock.
        "Hands and Knees Thomas." He demands. Thomas quickly obliged, moaning as Alex pressing a couple fingers to his entrance. "You wanted to get caught, didn't you?" He asks, slipping his fingers in and slowly curling them. Thomas whimpers, pressing his face into the bed.
         "You wanted me to see you and completely wreck you, didn't you?" He pumped his fingers into Thomas, painfully slow. "You wanted me to make sure you'll never cheat again." Thomas whimpers, arching his back as Alex slipped a third finger in.
          "Ahh!! M-maybe!" He stammers, whimpering as Alex curled his fingers again, scissoring them inside slowly. Alex grins, pulling his fingers out and pressing his tip to Thomas's entrance. He slooooowly pushes in, earning a long drawn out moan from Thomas.
          "Ahhhhhhh... Alexander..." He huffs, moaning sharply as Alex started thrusting into him slowly. Thomas huffs, tears pricking his eyes.
          "Alexander!!" He yelps, arching his back as the pain turned to pleasure. Alex started picking up his pace, bucking his hips up, managing to hit Thomas's prostate each time. Thomas moaned quickly, his mouth open in a lewd expression.
         "Ahhh!! Ahhh!! Ahhh!! Aahhh!!" His voice cracked from the strain, making Alex laugh. He gave Thomas's ass a firm slap, earning another moan from Thomas.
         Thomas could feel the pressure beginning to build, his length twitching slightly.
         "AhHhh!! Alexander!!! I'm so close!!" Alex huffs, nodding.
          "I can tell!! Come with me! Come on!" He growls lowly. Thomas whimpers, suddenly coming hard onto the sheets. Alex huffs, pulling out and flipping Thomas over to face him.
        "On your knees." He demanded. Thomas did as he was told, getting on his knees and opening his mouth. Alex huffs, pumping his length quickly. He suddenly came hard onto Thomas's face, most of it landing on Thomas's tongue. Thomas gently licked Alex's dick clean, swallowing and laying back down on the bed. Alex smiles.
         "Feel better, cheater?" He asks, laying down next to him. Thomas nods, smiling happily. "Hehe... Good. No seriously, you're sleeping on the couch tonight." Thomas frowns.
        "Aw man..."

Thank you so much for the request @HiyaSir , and if anyone else wants to leave a suggestion, I will happily oblige. And, a big thanks for 1K reads!

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