LeeBury - Next Victim

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Alright, this was requested by @ACEBethany, something very different, and lemme tell you, I get excited for these new and different requests, like- YES PLEASE. Anyway, like always, request whatever you like and skip to these if don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

(P.S. - This has been one of my favorite things to write in this whole book! Top 5 at least. 😊 This MIGHT get a Part 2. No part three, I don't think...)

3rd Person POV***

         Lee gripped the steering wheel tightly, nervously looking out of the window at the church. This was only his second official call to service, his first was a crackhead tearing up a drugstore. This time, people had been giving anonymous tips about this church, something about the head priest being as corrupt as the devil himself. All of the tips were urgent sounding, and consistent, which of course meant this was likely a real problem. This area was known for trouble with gangs, and Lee knew that. Which is why he was parked far away, halfway hidden behind a building, looking at the doors of the church.

         He watched carefully, looking for movement. He sighs, glancing at the time. 5:30. The gangs usually didn't come out until 7. He was about to lay down for a nap when the doors of the church opened. He sat up quickly, watching three shady figures walk out of the church, laughing and congratulating each other. At least, that's what it looked like. The priest poked his head out, shooing the gang members away curtly. The gang wave their hands, and quickly run off. Lee feels a pit form in his stomach. This just got much more dangerous.
           "Shit... Okay... You can do this... I think I preferred the crackhead because I knew what I was in for... Fuck...." He takes a few deep breaths, and gets out of the car, taking his walkie talkie, taser, and pistol, just in case. Police units were standing by, also just in case.

         He manages to keep his head held high, walking up to the doors of the church and opening them. He feels a chill go down his back as he stepped into the church, closing the door behind him. He looked around, admiring the beautiful architecture for a moment before quickly noticing Samuel Seabury himself, sweeping the floor. He looked up from his broom, looking Lee up and down.
         "Is there a problem officer? Or have to come to ask forgiveness for your sins?" He asks quietly, not having to speak too loud because everything was dead quiet. Lee managed kept a straight face.
         "No sir. I'm here to ask a few questions. I saw a few shady people walk out of this church, and people have been giving us tips that something is going on here. Threats, possible gang involvement, some are saying you're as corrupt as the devil. They say you threaten them with damnation if they don't donate to the church and give up valuables. And other things of that nature. Do you have an explanation, sir?" He asks. Samuel looked very calm, but Lee could tell something was up.
         "Well those are certainly serious accusations. But what do you think, sir? May I ask your name?" He asks. Lee sighs.
         "Officer Charles Lee." He says quietly. Samuel suddenly smiles, sending a chill down his neck.
         "Lee, do you think a priest would ever do such things?" He asks. Lee's brow furrows.
         "I put my faith in people, with all due respect. I have reason to believe you are guilty until proven innocent. You are not looking very innocent right now, Seabury." He says bitterly. Seabury's facade suddenly drops.
         "Lee... I'm going to tell you what is about to happen. If you reach for a weapon, you're going to be in heaven within ten seconds." Lee was suddenly aware that there were people in the church, peeking over pews, or out from behind pillars.
         "And if you reach for your walkie talkie, there's going to be a lot of dead cops. I'd let you live until you finished your call, but then I'd have my gang kill you, your family, and any cops that heard the call. Since you were so kind to tell me your name, finding your family won't be an issue." He explains, grinning like a maniac. Lee's blood ran cold.
        "You're insane... You can't just do it like this, it's so unfair!" He growls. Samuel laughs mischievously.
        "Heheh... You're right. I should give the poor townsfolk a chance. Let's play a game shall we?" He asks with rather sweet smile, but it still sent a chill down Lee's back.
       "What game?" He asks, swallowing nervously. Samuel chuckles.
       "Well it involves you taking off your belt with all your weapons, and following me to my study. And eventually taking off all your clothes. Basically we're playing a sex game. It's one sided of course, you'd be the only contender." He says vaguely. Lee huffs.
       "What the hell do you mean?!" He demands.  Samuel sighs.
       "Language. Please. And volume. There is no need to yell here. No one will hear you scream anyway. You're going to play a game called 'Try not to cum.' It's a hard game. No hard feelings or dirty looks if you lose." He says with a devious smile. Lee grimaces.
        "You're disgusting. I don't want anything to do with you." He huffs. Samuel smiles.
        "Oh good, I guess you don't care about the townsfolk then. Well, be on your way then." He says, turning away to walk to his study alone. Lee takes a deep breath, slowly unclipping his belt and taking it off, setting it aside on the floor. Samuel stops, smiling as he heard Lee walk up beside him.
          "Fine... I'll play." He reluctantly agrees. Samuel smiles, leading Lee back to his study.
          "Good. A few rules and just general information about the game. You have to last 30 minutes." He began. Lee let out a choked scoff.
          "What? Nobody can last 30 minutes, that's absurd..." He huffs. Samuel smiles.
          "I can. Unfortunately... Anyway, I will not be using my... well... manhood to pleasure you. I can use my hands, and my mouth, and whatever toys or tools I wish, but if I, at any point, give in and try to pleasure myself by taking advantage of you, I lose, and I go to jail. For any charges people have against me. Same goes for if you win. I go to jail, or prison if it's that bad. And I will plead guilty." He explains. Lee nods.
          "O-okay... That seems reasonable. What if... What if I lose, and you win?" He asks. Samuel stops in front of the door to his study, key in hand.
          "Meaning, you cum before 30 minutes is up? Well... Then I get to keep making you cum until you're milked dry, by any means necessary. If I want to. I may decide you've had enough." He says with a smirk, opening the door to his study. Lee was surprised it didn't look like a sex dungeon as he walked in. It looked pretty normal, a desk, a bookshelf with various bibles and texts, a few comical Jesus posters on the walls, a globe, holy items, etc. Samuel pulled out a chair, and put it in the middle of the room.
"As soon as you strip, and sit in this chair, the game begins. Okay?" He smiles cheerfully, closing the door of the study and locking it. Lee gulps.
"Yeah... Okay..." He takes a few deep breaths, trying to get his heart rate down as he took off his police uniform. He neatly set his clothes aside, finally getting down to his briefs. He sighs, mentally preparing himself, taking them off and setting them aside. He sits down in the chair, and looks up at Samuel. Sam grins.

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