JeffMads - Gift Wrapped

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Alright, I have one more Christmas Chapter planned after this, but it'll be a Fluff chapter, and I will post it on Christmas. :) Anyway, Like usual, I take any and all requests, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Jefferson sighs, tired from a long day at work. Hamilton was a pain in the ass to work with at times. He had gotten to go home early, but of course, he had scheduled a meeting for him with Washington. So, here he was, coming home a bit later than usual. He walks up to his bedroom door, pausing as he saw a note.


Dear Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Madison asked me to help him out with something, so I obliged. I'm sure you'll love the way I left him.
Sincerely, Hamilton.

Jefferson growls, suspecting foul play with his beloved husband. He opens the door, surprised to see Madison on their bed, wrapped up with ribbons and bows. Madison whimpers, squirming as he saw Jefferson walk in. Thomas quickly walks to the bed, hopping on and taking the scotch tape off his mouth. Madison let out a small moan, biting his lip,
"Hey hun, I asked Hamilton to wrap me up... And god damn... He did a good job." He whines. Thomas scoffs.
"God, you're such a sex addict. You didn't do anything with him did you?" He asks, looking Madison over, chuckling as he saw a cord sticking out of his back entrance.
"Well, I asked him to put that in, and maybe he got a little handsy while tying me up." He admits. Thomas grins, tugging on the cord gently, making Madison moan softly.
"Mnhh... Thomas..." He whimpers, squeezing his eyes shut as Thomas pulled harder. He was surprised at the resistance.
"What do you have in there?" He tugs harder, surprised as a large bead pops out, making Madison whimper.
"Oh." He grins, pulling again, tugging out another bead, slightly smaller. He smiles, continuously pulling, tugging out all ten beads one by one. Madison was a squirming, moaning mess, his mouth open in a lewd expression.
"Tommy... Fuck me... Please... Just leave me wrapped." He requests. Thomas smiles, running his hands up Madison's legs, which were tied back, spread wide.
"Can do. Want me to go slow, or would you like something more fast paced?" He asks with a smirk, pulling off his pants. Madison whimpers.
"You know I like slow at first. But I want your cock inside me immediately..." He bites his lip. Thomas chuckles.
"Well, if you insist." He pulls his boxers off, pressing his tip to Madison's entrance. He presses himself into Madison quickly, making the smaller man whimper.
"Ah! T-Thomas... Please..." He begs, squirming. Thomas grins.
          "Shhhh, I know babe. You want this thick cock buried inside you, you want to feel full and complete." He leans over Madison, kissing him on the neck roughly. Madison whimpers in pleasure, wishing he could reach up and hold Thomas. Thomas grins, slowly starting to thrust into Madison.
          "Mmmm... Fuck..." He growls, rolling his hips as he slid in and out of Madison quickly. Madison moans loudly all of the sudden, as Thomas had hit his prostate head on. Thomas grins, aiming for that spot and quickly slamming into him. Madison was a moaning mess again, mouth wide open.
          "Ahhh!! Yes! Fuck me!!" He begs loudly, gasping as Thomas untied the ribbon around his cock, pumping his length furiously.
          "Thomas!!" He whines, the building pressure in his abdomen driving him wild. Jefferson huffs, picking you his pace even more, nearly going full speed. Madison whimpers, desperate for the friction, bucking his hips up as Thomas squeezed his cock firmly, precum beading at the tip. Thomas growls, feeling his climax building fast. He suddenly comes hard into Madison, pounding into him to finish him off. Madison whimpers, throwing his head back as he came hard onto Thomas's hand and his stomach.
           "F-Fuck... Thomas, Mmm..." He sighs, relaxing as Thomas used a pair of scissors to untie the ribbons, allowing him to stretch his arms and legs out. 
          "That's better..." He purrs, snuggling into the bed happily. Thomas smiles, curling up with Madison.
          "Yeah, everything is better now... Just had sex with with the cutest man in the world." He says with a smirk. Madison scoffs, hitting him with a pillow.
         "You're the cute one!"


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