Lams - Does this make me look fat?

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Alright! 1:30 am, and you know what that means! If you haven't read the last two chapters, I'm super proud of them, I put my all into every single one of these! :) Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and once again, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up; 🍑🍆🍌🌭

3rd Person POV***

      Alex had been waiting for Laurens at home, trying on some of his older clothes. Some of them, he had grown bored of, others had lost their popularity, and some he had actually outgrown. A particular pair of shorts was bothering him. Summer had arrived, and this pair of shorts was extremely high cut, actually showing off some of his ass. They were a little tight, but he loved the style.
        "Am I too chubby for this?" He talked to himself, looking at himself in the mirror with a bit of frustration. Lauren's cooking had made him gain a bit of weight, which was better than being skin and bone certainly, but that also meant he had outgrown clothes. Laurens walked through the door, carrying groceries.
        "Alex!~ I brought home-... What are you doing?" He asks, looking Alex up and down. Alex blushes, twirling his hair around his finger.


        "Do these shorts make me look fat?" He asks, fretting. John smiles.
         "Oh Alex, you know you always look amazing to me..." He slides his hand down Alex's thighs, breathing down the smaller boy's neck. Alex blushes deeply, squirming from his touch.
         "John..." He whimpers. John smiles, sliding his hand under Alex's shirt and pulling it up, quickly taking it off.
         "You have the best love handles...~ And just perfectly toned abs..." He slides his hand up Alex's chest slowly. Alex moans lightly, starting to take off his shorts slowly, carefully pushing them down, teasingly slow. John huffs, sucking Alex's neck hard, nipping here and there, leaving small hickeys. Alex finally slipped off the shorts, letting them fall. John took the opportunity to slide his hands down, gently squeezing Alex's ass.
          "And you have the cutest little ass.~" He purrs, whispering into Alex's ear. Alex shudders, melting into John in a loving embrace. John smiles, leading Alex to the couch, and gently laying him back. Alex whimpers, rubbing his length through his briefs. John swats his hand away, hovering over Alex and kissing him on the lips passionately, quickly gaining dominance over the smaller man. He reaches down and palms Alex's cock through his briefs, grinning mischievously. Alex moans quietly, his eyes closed in bliss. John put two fingers up to Alex's mouth.
        "Suck.~" John demanded. Alex blushes, doing what he was told, taking John's fingers into his mouth and sucking gently. John smiles.
        "Such a good boy." He praises, rubbing Alex's length a little faster. Alex tried to get John's fingers back as he pulled them away, tugging Alex's briefs off and tracing his fingers around Alex's tight hole. Alex whimpers.
          "Please John... Just hurry up... This is torture..." He begs. John smirks, quickly slipping his fingers in, earning a loud moan from Alex.
          "Impatient are we?~" He asks, pumping his fingers in and out of Alex gently. Alex nods, his cheeks and ears red with embarrassment. John grins, scissoring his fingers inside Alex, earning more blissful sounds of pleasure. John huffs, scooting forward, and and taking off his pants and boxers, his cock springing free.
         "Suck.~" John demands once again. Alex huffs, adjusting himself to lean down and take John's tip into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around John's cock, very slowly taking in more of John's length. His bobbed his head slowly, sucking gently and being very careful. John pulls his head off.
          "Alright darling, turn around for me.~" He says, brushing the hair out of Alex's face. Alex huffs, laying back and spreading his legs. John gently pressed his tip against the smaller man's hole, very carefully sliding in all the way. Alex moaned rather loudly, squirming from the strange full feeling. John huffs, slowly starting to thrust into Alex, earning low moans and adorable squeaks of pleasure.
         "God damn you are adorable Alex..." He breathes, slowly picking up his pace, sliding deeper and deeper inside. Alex was already a moaning mess, at the mercy of John. John huffs, holding Alex by the love handles and pulling himself into Alex quickly. Both of them started to moan in sync, Heat rising from them in their passion. Alex wrapped his arms around John, clawing at his back in desperation.
        "John! I'm g-gonna cum!!!" He moans loudly, suddenly cumming hard onto John's chest and his own stomach. John released inside, clutching Alex close to himself.
         "Ahhh... Alex... Oh my god you're so cute..." He says, trying to catch his breath as he sat up and pulled out of Alex, earning a small whimper. Alex smiles.
        "Well at least I know you're honest with me..."

Oh my god I am so tired... I had to finish this though, doing it in one sitting is the only way my train of thought keeps going. Feel free to leave a comment! I appreciate support! :) It just might make my day!

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