|William James Moriarty| Lavender's Blue

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A/N: Sorry if they seem OOC! This happens before Will and Louis go to the orphanage.

Tag/s: Young!Singer!Poor!Reader, Young!William and Louis

Song: Lavender's Blue from Cinderella (2015)

(Y/N): Your First Name
"Lyrics": The person is singing

2nd Person's POV

As Louis and William strolled around the streets, Louis got into another coughing fit.

"Louis! Are you okay?" William asked, trying to help him breathe.

"Y-Yes... I'm fine, Brother..." Louis painfully smiled as he continued to cough.

Before William could look around for anything that could help, Louis stood up and cleared his throat.

"See? I told you I'm okay," he reassured as William let out a sigh.

"Let's go look around for something to eat," he smiled as he held his brother's hand, walking around the street.

"Lavender's blue,

Dilly dilly,

Lavender's green..."

A sweet and gentle voice sang, catching their attention.

"Did you hear that, Louis?" William asked as Louis nodded, searching for the source of the voice.

"When I am King,

Dilly dilly,

You shall be Queen..."

In front of a bakery, there was a huge crowd surrounding the source of the voice.

"Shall we take a look?" Louis suggested, also curious about the singer.

"I don't see why not," William smiled as they carefully crossed the street to the bakery.

"Who told you so,

Dilly dilly,

Who told you so?"

They managed to pass through the crowd and got front-row seats to the show.

"T'was my own heart,

Dilly dilly,

That told me so."

William's breath hitched as he saw you singing your heart's content.

You looked as if you were glowing from the sun, your hair shining brightly as your skin looked golden.

Your eyes were closed with a smile on your lips, clearly enjoying yourself.

William felt himself smile as they watched the singer deliver their performance.

"Their voice is beautiful..." Louis breathed out as his brother nodded.

As your eyes opened, you started to twirl and dance around, making the crowd chuckle as you continued to sing.

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