|Sherlock Holmes| Boundaries

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Genre: Established Relationship, Hurt? Angst? But with a Happy Ending

Warning/s: Profanity

(Y/N): Your First Name

(Y/N)'s POV

"Excuse me..." I trailed off, removing my shoes as I entered the flat.

"(Y/N)! It's nice to see you again!" Miss Hudson greeted me with a bear hug, making me smile as I returned it just as tightly.

"I was here just a couple of days ago, though," I laughed, letting her go.

"Are Sherlock and John back yet?" I asked, looking around.

"No, not yet. Probably out running around the city again looking for an interesting murder case," she sighed, making me chuckle.

"Then, how about we enjoy these as we wait for them?" I suggested, showing her the treats I brought with my visit.

Her face brightened as she headed off to the kitchen, pulling me by the hand.

"I'll go make us some tea! You go seat over there,"

As Miss Hudson and I chatted, a loud bang from the entrance interrupted our conversation.

"Sherlock!" Miss Hudson scolded, but the great detective only grimaced as he headed off to his room.

John let out a tired sigh as he removed his coat and hat.

"Did something happen?" I asked as the sound of the violin came from upstairs.

"Sherlock thought that a handful of noble's death was murder, but it really was just natural causes, and now," John threw his hands up, "He's all upset..."

My brows furrowed in worry as I looked up to their room, wanting to help him but don't know how.

"How about I try talking to him? Maybe that'll help him clear his head," I suggested making both of their heads perk up.

"Will you, (Y/N)? He listens to you more than to us," John added hopefully.

"I highly doubt that," I nervously chuckled as I waved my hand.

I quickly headed back to the kitchen and grabbed a box of treats, marching up to their room.

I gently knocked on the door, but the violin kept playing.

I took a deep breath as I slowly walked inside, seeing Sherlock playing by the window.

"Sherlock?" I calmly called out, but he ignored it.

I frowned at this but shook it off, placing the treats by the table as I arranged a couple of papers littered all over the floor.

"What are you doing here?" he piercingly asked as he stopped playing, making me look over to him.

"I was just visiting and-"

"-Didn't you just came here the other day?" he reminded with an annoyed tone, catching me off guard.

"W-Well, yeah... But I was just-"

"-What? So bored of your life that you come here practically every day?" he accused, walking up to me as I backed away.

"N-No! I just wanted to see-"

"-See what!?" he exploded, pushing my patience to the limit as I frowned.

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