|William James Moriarty| The Noahtic Mission

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A/N: This takes place on the Noahtic arc!

Tag/s: Request, BalletDancer!Fem!Reader, Established Relationship

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

"Miss (Y/N) (L/N)! Look over here!"

"Miss (L/N)! What can you tell us about your performance at the Noahtic tomorrow!?"

"Miss (Y/N) (L/N)! Can we get a photo? Just one!"

"Please, everyone! Keep your distance!" the guards ordered, holding their arms out as I tried to reach my flat.

"No photos, please," you politely smiled with a wave, going inside your home as the crowd got closer.

"Miss (Y/N)! (Y/N) (L/N)!" the crowd shouted, morphing into a sea of voices as I closed the door.

I let out a sigh of relief as I took off my scarf and hat, relaxing in the peace and quiet.

"Welcome back, Miss (Y/N)," Maria greeted with a smile, holding onto a letter.

"This arrived an hour ago,"

"Thank you," you smiled back, taking the letter and opening it up carefully.

Meeting at 8 pm at the manor.

You smiled as you stretched your back, 'I guess it was about time...'


"Yes, miss?"

"I'll be back home late again. You and the others can take the rest of the day off,"

"Hey~," you coyly greeted the men, grabbing their attention.

"Where have you been?"

"Sorry, there was traffic and the press..." you apologetically smiled as you kissed William on the cheek.

"So? Are we all good to go?" you smiled, sitting in the middle of Fred and Sebastian with your legs crossed.

"Yes, thank you for your hard work," William confirmed, grabbing a couple of files.

"You already know?" Seb whispered as you nodded in reply.

"Luckily, my manager got me a gig," you vaguely answered, making Sebastian raise a brow.

"Now that we are all present," William cleared some papers from the board, showing the infrastructure of the cruise.

"Our next mission will be held in the Noahtic,"

"I'll be going then," you grabbed your bags, waving goodbye at the men.

"Be careful," William reminded with a quick kiss on your temple, making you smile as you quietly walked up to the theatre crew by the entrance.

"Miss (L/N)! It's so nice to finally meet you!" the director greeted as soon as he saw you, shaking your hands vigorously.

"I-It's an honor to perform!" you said, shaking a little from his strength.

"Sorry, he's a big fan of you," the assistant whispered,

"We're all a big fan of you," another corrected, making you chuckle.

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