|Sherlock & William| Hope You're Feeling Better

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A/N: Unrelated, but do any of y'all know where to read Moriarty The Patriot? The last one I've read is chapter 56 :< Anyways, I hope you're all having a good summer!!!

Tag/s: Fem!Reader

(Y/N): Your First Name
(L/N): Your Last Name

2nd Person's POV

You absentmindedly walked along the streets of London, trying to find anything remotely interesting to do.

As you wandered along, you didn't realize you were about to bump into someone.

"Oh, sorry!" you quickly apologized as you stopped, taking a step back.

"No worries," the man smiled curtly.

It was a tall man with blonde hair and red eyes, smiling as he dusted his coat.

'A noble...?' you thought, based on his top hat and attire.

"Are you all right, miss?" he asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Y-Yes! I'm okay," you answered quickly, scolding yourself for staring.

"E-Excuse me," you bowed politely as you quickly walked away, not wanting to embarrass yourself further.

You slowed your pace as you deemed yourself to be far enough, catching your breath.

"Miss?" a voice called out, startling you.

You turned around and saw that it was the man from before.


"Apologies, but it seemed that you dropped this as you left," he explained apologetically, giving you your white handkerchief.

"Oh, thank you..." you muttered, taking it from him shyly, unsure what to call him.

"My name is William James Moriarty," he introduced himself, taking off his hat.

"(Y/N) (L/N)," you replied, putting the handkerchief in your pocket.

"May I ask why you seemed so down, Miss (L/N)?" he asked, catching you off-guard.

"W-Why do you even want to know...?" you asked, skeptical of William.

"Any gentleman would be worried when they see a lady in distress," he smiled, "But of course, I won't force you if you don't want to," he reassured, raising his hat as he walked along.

You pursed your lips as you thought of sparing some time with William, the man showing no sign of ulterior motives.

You sharply exhaled as you took a deep breath, following William.

"Sorry about this," you muttered, walking beside him.

"I believe I was the one who invited you?" William smiled, matching your pace.

"Now, do you mind telling me what's wrong?"

"Hm... There's not really a reason... I've just been feeling down," you shrugged, your eyes focused on the pavement.

"I see..." he replied, his eyes scanned around, "Then, shall we watch those street performers?" he suggested, nodding over to some singers in front of a bar.

"It might be nice to have your mind focused on something different," he added, making you smile.

"Okay, that seems interesting."

A group of musicians sang by the street side, a couple playing instruments while others danced to the rhythm.

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