|Sherlock Holmes| But You're An Ocean Away

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A/N: Yep, another Bridgerton the Musical song- I think Bridgerton is in Regency Era while Moriarty the Patriot is in Victorian Era, but my brain is just like- Eh... close enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Tag/s: Songfic, Angst?, Fem!Reader

(L/N): Your Last Name
(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

What a beautiful party,
I'm looking up at the ceiling a lot.
The chandelier is so sparkly...
You never said sorry
Guess you forgot or
Maybe you're not sorry at all

"(Y/N)! Welcome to the party!" Sir Thompson greeted you excitedly as you smiled at him.

"Beautiful party as always, Sir Thompson," you smiled as the man let out a hearty laugh.

"Polite as ever, I see," you smiled at him as you two bowed curtly at each other.

As you headed inside, the party was already on full blast as people enjoyed themselves in their own ways.

You let out a gasp as you saw Sherlock and John by the corner, talking to Inspector Lestrade.

You took a deep breath as you made your way to the other side of the room, not wanting to talk to the detective after your fight.

"Sherlock, will you just listen!? You've barely left your room!"

"(Y/N), I am this close to solving this case. I don't have time for this! Will you just leave so I can think in peace!?" he grumbled, not sparing a glance over to you as he waved his hand at you to leave.

You opened your mouth to retort, but your anger but the best of you as you gritted your teeth.

"Fine then! Sorry for being a nuisance and worrying about you!"

You inwardly sighed as you talked to the other guests with a smile or just people watching with a drink in hand.

'We haven't even apologized to each other...' you recalled as you glanced at the detective, who seemed unfazed while you were still caught up in your dispute.

You let out a scoff as you took another swing.

'I guess he forgot all about it... He's not even sorry at all...'

But a beautiful evening,
I want to know just what the hell are you drinking?
Stoic, emotionless, over us all so... quickly
What am I missing?
I can't even drink champagne,
No, without seeing your face...
Am I the one to blame?
When we're dancing in the same room, but you're an ocean away.

'Just what the hell was he thinking, anyway?' you furrowed your brows as you finished your glass, leaning at the edge of the balcony.

'Am I missing something? Am I the one to blame...?' you bit your lip as you looked up at the sky, not letting the tears fall as you downed another glass.

"Better slow down on those drinks," Sir Thompson warned, grabbing your glass as he looked at you with worry.

"Is something bothering you, dearie?" you shook your head as you crossed your arms.

"...Just a little domestic with my partner," Sir Thompson breathed out a chuckle as he shook his head.

"Young love..." you blushed as you started to sober up, making him smirk, "Care to share it with me?"

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