|William James Moriarty| Welcome Back

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A/N: This went to a dark direction... ^^"

Requested By: ShiannK_

Tag/s: Male!Reader, Platonic

Warning/s: Blood, Sensitive Topic, Death, Profanity

(Y/N): Your First Name
(L/N): Your Last Name

2nd Person's POV

"Here's your next mission,"

"I'm glad to be home too," you smirked, walking up to William as you grabbed the folded paper in his hands, dropping your luggage.

"How was Paris?" William asked as you read through the mission.

"Pretty fun, to be honest, the food was pretty great, and I bought some-" you stopped yourself as you re-read the mission, making you scowl.

"...I have to get ready for a ball?" you frowned as William smiled at you.

"It'll just be a cover-up, and to make sure none of the guests will wander around," he reassured, standing up from his seat.

"Albert-nii-san has already prepared a suit for you,"

"How sweet," you deadpanned, following him behind as you grabbed your bags.

"I believe you already have experience with handling the nobility,"

"That was a couple of years ago, Will. I barely remember how to tie a tie,"

"I can give you a quick run down before tonight,"


"Eh... No tie it is," you mumbled, pulling off the messy tie from your neck as you checked yourself in the mirror.

The suit tailored for you fits you like a glove with your hair slicked back, making you look ten times richer than you were.

You looked over to the grandfather clock and saw that it was quarter to eight.

"Shit...!" you muttered, rushing out of your room as you saw everyone gathered at the entrance.

"Wow, (Y/N)! Looking good!" James complimented, seeing you rush downstairs.

"What can I say?" you sarcastically retorted with a smile as you put a hand on your chin, making the man laugh and others roll their eyes.

"What happened to your tie?" William asked, inspecting your outfit.

You shrugged your shoulders, "Didn't like it," you lied, making William sigh.

"I believe I already taught you how to tie it yourself?"

"And I promise to review how to do it after the mission, Professor,"

You casually roamed the floor, sharing a couple of drinks with some nobles and chatting with some women.

"I don't think I have seen you around here, Mr. (L/N)," Lady Calthorpe pointed out, fanning herself as you gave her a curt smile.

"I have been spending most of my time traveling," you answered, catching other women's attention.

"My recent stop has been in France, actually,"

"You travel? What's it like in France?"

"Is it as beautiful as they say?"

You casually answered all of their questions. Some of them were white lies seeing as you had to go around a lot because of William's missions.

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