Married Life with Sherlock, Sebastian, and William

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A/N: Holy crap THANK YOU FOR THE 101k READS AND 3k VOTES!!! ♡o(╥﹏╥)o ♥♡

Tag/s: Headcanons

|Sherlock Holmes|

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|Sherlock Holmes|

-The idea popped up when he saw John with Mary, and he started to fantasize that it was you and him.

-He knew he needed to clean up his act, so he started working on his domestic skills, paying bills, and controlling his smoking.

-He even went to Mycroft about how to become "a proper gentleman", which almost made Mycroft doubt that he was his actual younger brother.

-You caught early on that he was acting differently, so you confronted him about it. He told you that he wanted to be better for you, someone you can be with.

-You reassured him that you loved him that way he was and that won't ever change, which made him feel better.

-When he finally has the ring, he leaves it around the flat when you visit, wanting to see if you'll find it (you don't)

-That is until you stayed over and woke up with the ring on your finger.

-When you married him, there weren't a lot of changes, except for the fact that you have his last name and he's your husband now.

-You were always at 221B Baker Street, so moving in was very exciting (Miss Hudson was the most excited to have you around).

-He still has you around during cases, usually holding your hand and spinning your ring with his fingers.

-He likes to touch his ring when his thinking or fidgeting. It somehow gives him comfort.

-He also likes to kiss your ring or on your cheek when greeting you.

-You two try to split the chores evenly, but you end up doing them together and turning them into dates.

-When he's had a long day, and you were at home, he likes to hold you close and recharge.

-He also likes to have you on his lap while he's experimenting or have you talk about your day.

|Sebastian Moran|

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|Sebastian Moran|

-I feel like if he ever marries, it will be when it is finally peaceful with no more nobles to kill.

-Sebastian may be a playboy, but once he really has his eyes set on someone, nothing's going to get in his way.

-It'll take a long time for him to propose. He would carry the ring around for months and still think of how to do it.

-If you start dropping hints about it, like your eyes lingering on weddings or rings, he'd be less afraid and more excited to propose.

-Sometimes he jokes around it, but not enough to make you think there's something behind it.

-When he does propose, you wouldn't know it was happening until he got down on one knee.

-I feel like he'd want to settle somewhere more in the countryside (like in the anime).

-He'd still tease you and can't keep his hands to himself.

-He will always have his arms around you when you wake up or go to sleep, usually with some kisses from your cheek down to your shoulders.

-Surprisingly, he really helps around the house (granted, he'd want a reward afterward, but that's for another time)

-When you two have free time, expect to have this man wrapped around you, usually hugging you from behind before pulling you down to his lap while you two talk about your days.

-The only time you ever catch him in bars is when you're with him celebrating over drinks, or his co-workers dragged him (with your permission or he told you beforehand)

-When women approach him and flirt, he usually shows them his wedding ring or mentions you.

-When you're out, he likes having you around an arm's reach or just holding you by the waist.

-Kids have never been part of his plans, but the idea of you being the parent of his child makes him happy.

-It'll take a long time for him to admit that, though.

|William James Moriarty|

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|William James Moriarty|

-At first, marriage never crossed his mind, let alone a romantic relationship.

-When you walked in and showed him what future he could have with you, he started to change his point of view.

-When he came back from the Reichenbach fall, and you two are reunited, spending the rest of his life with you was one of his priorities.

-William knew he had to take it slow, and he didn't want to scare you off.

-You could have moved on with someone else for all he knows.

-You reassured him that he doesn't have to work so hard to rekindle your relationship since you knew what falling in love with him had, and you just wanted to be with him at the moment.

-Sherlock also sent you letters about how much William missed you ever since he woke up.

-He's a little taken back but grateful for the detective. Ever since you two restarted, you loved each other better than ever before.

-When he realizes that you're ready for the next step, this man has your proposal and wedding planned down to a single second.

-The wedding planner was a little scared, not gonna lie.

-After you got married, you two decided to have a house of your own (somewhere nearby the mansion, of course)

-You and William share the chores around the house, but sometimes he likes to surprise you with breakfast in bed or do your share when you had a rough day.

-He'll never admit it, but sometimes he leaves his lunch so that he can see you at the university.

-Congrats! You are now the co-parent of his class.

-William barely talks about his private life, but his students notice the loving expression he makes when you visit or mention you.

-When he does have a free day, it's either taking you on a date or a lazy day with just napping in the afternoon and cuddling.


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