|Sherlock + Moriarty Brothers| Pregnant!S/O Headcanons

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Tag/s: Headcanons, Short Story

(Y/N): Your First Name

|Sherlock Holmes|

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|Sherlock Holmes|


-He'd be the first one to know you're pregnant, even before you.

-You'd just notice that he's gentler and softer than usual.

-Like he'd be more affectionate, holding your hands everywhere, keeps his voice soft, asking you almost every second if you're feeling okay.

-He tries not to get angry and frustrated around you.

-He even stops smoking and clears the air when he knows you're around.

-He goes to John and Miss Hudson for advice, knowing he needs all the help he can get.

-He feels bored doing baby stuff, like shopping and baby showers, but he'd do it for you.

-Tries to learn as much as he can about pregnancy and birth, what you can and can't eat, what you're not allowed to do, what can help you, all of that.

-Sherlock didn't understand what John was talking about when he said he should speak to the baby when they're still in your stomach.

-Like the baby doesn't have a fully developed brain or ears yet, what's the point??

-But he eventually does it, first talking about you and him, then John and Miss Hudson, his cases, and it suddenly became a routine.

-I feel like he'd be the type of father that brings his kid to work like you can't stop him. He loves solving mysteries and his family, so he's gonna do both. He'd even teach his kid about deductions and play their own games about it (while teasing Uncle Mycroft).

"What do you mean I can't bring (Y/N)?" Sherlock asked for the umpteenth time, making John sigh.

"Sherlock, (Y/N)'s pregnant. You can't bring a pregnant lady to a crime scene!" John explained, raising his voice at the end.

"It didn't say anything about that in those books you gave me!"

"Now, now, " you lightly laughed as you gently grabbed John's arm and Sherlock's hand, "I am feeling a little tired today, so I'll just stay here with Miss Hudson," you reassured, kissing Sherlock on the cheek.

"You can tell us all about it when you get home," you smiled, waddling to Miss Hudson.

"Fine," Sherlock breathed out, kissing you goodbye and kneeling down to your bulging stomach.

"I'll tell you all about the criminal case later,"

"I still don't think you should talk to the baby about murder, Sherlock..."

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