|William and Louis| Speaking Up

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Tag/s: Fem!Reader

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

You smiled to yourself as you closed your book, feeling bittersweet at how fast you finished reading it.

'If only real life had happy endings...' you thought, looking over to your piles and piles of crumpled paper in the bin.

You bit your lip as you looked back at the book, letting out a sigh.

'All right,' you determinedly grabbed a pen and paper,

'Let's give it a shot,'

You let out a groan as you rested your head on the table with a thud.

You glared at the letter you've been writing for the past hour. It already had a puddle of ink on the side.

It had numerous scribbles, erasures, and crinkles all over with a simple phrase written in large letters at the center:

I adore you.

'Why can't I just tell it to him straight?' you sighed, burying your face into your hands.

"(Y/N)?" a soft voice called out with a knock.

You quickly grabbed the letter and hid it underneath a stack of books.

"Yes?" you replied as you turned your head to the door.

William looked at you inquisitively as he closed the door behind him.

You nervously laughed as you hid your desk behind your back.

"Did you need something, Will?" you smiled, feeling warm under his stare.

"...I was wondering if you liked the book I recommended," he smiled as he walked up to you, his eyes drifting off to your desk.

"Oh, yes! I just finished it, actually," you smiled, grabbing the book and giving it to him.

"You're quite the fast reader," he commented, making you lightly laugh.

"No, the book was amazing, I really loved it when-" a loud thud was heard from the window as a large splat of purple covered it whole.

"Oh right, Herder invented some practice paint guns for us to try today," William remembered, looking over to you.

"Don't you want to try it with the others?" he asked, making you awkwardly chuckle.

"I did... But Sebastian and James said that I shouldn't force myself,"

"...But you wanted to join them, correct?"

"Yeah, but I don't wanna bother them," you smiled reassuringly, but there was a hint of sadness behind it.

William frowned at this as his eyes softened at your figure.

"...(Y/N)," William called out, touching your shoulder softly, "You do know that you will never be a nuisance to us, right?" your eyes widened as you looked up at him.

"I'm sure it's just Sebastian and James's way of looking out for you, but we're practically family here. We want you to be with us," he smiled, grabbing both of your hands and giving them a soft squeeze.

You felt your face warm up as your cheeks became pink.

"Why do you think I enjoy reading with you so much?" he smirked, making you lightly laugh as you held his hands.

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