|Sherlock Holmes| Rejection

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A/N: heart 💔 been broke 📉 so many times ⏰ i don't know 🤔 what to believe 💯 mama 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 said 🗣 it's my fault 😢 it's my fault 🤦🏻‍♂️i wear my heart ❤️ on my sleeve 💪 i think it's best 👍🏻 I put my heart ❤️ on ice 🧊

I'm so sorry i couldn't stay serious until the end :')

Tag/s: Request, Unrequited Love, Angst

2nd Person's POV

You balled your fists as you stood by your doorway, hesitating.

'...Is this really a good idea...?' you thought, staring at your door.

You've known Sherlock for a long time, even before he met John.

You usually assisted him in cases while he visited you in your workplace, trying to find anything interesting to do.

While the great detective can get very fussy when bored, you still fell for him through the years.

You two became close-- Well, Sherlock's version of closeness.

But you two were only good friends. Nothing more, nothing less.

You tried to give him hints, knowing how observant he can be and hoping he'd get the idea.

Sometimes, you even outright asked him to hang out somewhere else, like some coffee or a simple meal.

It was all in vain, so you mustered up the courage to be straight with him. No beating around the bush, no avoiding the truth.

Just tell it to him straight about how you felt about him.

You quickly shook your head and slapped your cheeks, breathing out.

"I can't back down now..." you muttered, amping yourself up as you opened the door, making your way to 221B Baker Street.

When you reached the door, your breath hitched as you knocked, half-hoping that no one was home.

As you rehearsed your confession in your head for the millionth time, Miss Hudson opened the door.

"Oh, (Y/N)! I wasn't expecting you to visit," she greeted happily, letting you in.

"I just needed a quick word with Sherlock, if that's okay?" you explained, earning a nod from her.

"Is... John home?" you asked, slowly following her upstairs.

"No, he's visiting his editor today to discuss his new book," she explained, keeping her eyes ahead.

"Ah... I see," you gulped, feeling even more nervous with each step of the staircase.

"Sherlock!" Miss Hudson hollered as she opened the door, making you freeze at where you were standing.

You heard Sherlock groan out in frustration as he walked up to the door.

When he saw you behind his landlady, his expression slightly softened.

"(Y/N) wants to talk to you," Miss Hudson explained, walking out of the way as she went back downstairs.

"Well?" Sherlock asked, crossing his arms and leaning on the doorframe.

You bit the inside of your cheeks as you looked down, balling your hands.

"Can... Can we go inside first?" you asked meekly, not really wanting Miss Hudson to hear your conversation.

Sherlock raised a brow and shrugged his shoulders, letting you in before closing the door.

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