|Moriarty Brothers| Being In a Relationship with Them

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A/N: I might others later in a second part-

Tag/s: Headcanons

|Albert James Moriarty|

|Albert James Moriarty|

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-*deep breath* ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ ᵈᵃᵈᵈʸ//slapped

-He definitely showers you with gifts.

-Admiring a dress or suit from a store? He buys you the whole collection.

-You really liked the food from that one restaurant? He brings you there during your dates.

-Low-key Jumin Han vibes with how much he spoils you

-He DEFINITELY brings you to parties and events (or maybe you two go inside separately and meet up in the middle) and dances with you, as long as it doesn't hinder the mission.

-The downside with dating him is the nobles are looking at you the wrong way and making you uncomfortable. That's when he tries to give them a hint that you're taken.

-Doesn't really mind physical affection if you're alone

-Kissing your cheek, hugging you from behind, dancing with you as he hums a song

-Compliments you whenever he can, sometimes unintentionally.

-Might even bring you along during his long trips if he can

-If he can't, expect a lot of souvenirs.

-William and Louis love you as an older brother/sister are grateful for how much you make Albert happy.

|William James Moriarty|

|William James Moriarty|

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-Definitely boyfriend material.

-Very observant of you. William immediately notices the little things like if you're having a bad day or if something caught your eyes as you pass by a store.

-He might as well be a mind reader at this point.

-However, he is a very busy man.

-Being a math professor and a crime consultant takes a lot on a guy, but he'd make things work to spend some time with you each day.

-Likes to take naps with you when he feels all tired out.

-His head on your lap as you play with your hair or a snuggle session would be heaven.

-I don't know why, but I get the feeling that William would be touch-starved or that he won't mind physical affection.

-Like if you're a very affectionate person, he'd be ecstatic. But that doesn't mean you'll catch him asking for your touch or attention.

-You sitting on his lap with your arms lazily around him as you talk about your day while he takes a break from work helps him clear his head.

-Louis loves you for making his brother enjoy himself and not overwork.

-I feel like if you're dating him, you and Sherlock will become besties at some point. I don't make the rules.

|Louis James Moriarty|

|Louis James Moriarty|

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-Protect him at all costs ajhskahsa

-Yeah, you might be the one who makes the first move.

-He's shy and new to relationships, so he likes to take it slow.

-Even with just holding hands, he gets nervous.

-Give him a nose kiss, and he'll combust.

-He's not the best with physical affection or words of affirmation, but he tries to do things for you.

-If he can, he makes your favorite food, or he practices a LOT to make them just the way you like it.

-Or if you're not feeling well, he'd do things around the house to ease the burden and take care of you.

-To be in a relationship with him, I feel like he must REALLY trust you, so you're most likely in with the whole killing all rancid nobles plan.

-Might change things with the chores schedule so that you two are always nearby

-The only time that he's glad Moran isn't doing his part is that you two get to spend some time together.

-Cooking or learning how to cook with him is a must.

-If you try to make a mess or stir up trouble for fun, Louis will play along with you for a little before getting back to business.

-...Unless if it's his brother's meals, then you might not be able to get into the kitchen until he's done-


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