💟 |Mycroft Holmes| Writing a love letter, song, or poem

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A/N: This is mostly for me, even if it was requested I just wanted to post about both of them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Requested By: Ruuna777 (Continuation)

Tag/s: Fluff

(Y/N): Your First Name
(L/N): Your Last Name

2nd Person's POV

"Coming!" you shouted as you hurried to the front door, opening it and seeing the mailman holding a bouquet with a golden note on it.

"Delivery for you, Mx. (L/N)," he curtly smiled as he gave you the bouquet, catching you by surprise.

"O-Oh, thank you...?" you replied skeptically as the mailman tipped his hat, making made his way to his other deliveries.

You went back inside and closed the door, inspecting the bouquet.

It had orange roses, carnations, calla lilies, tulips, and anemones with a golden note inside.

"I hope you have a wonderful day, and may these flowers bring a smile to your face."

You breathed out a smile as you furrowed your brows, both happy to receive flowers so early in the morning but also curious who would give these to you.

"Oh, crap! I need to go!" you remembered, carefully setting down the flowers as you rushed towards your office.

"...What happened to you?" Mycroft asked as you entered the office out of breath.

"Just... woke up late..." you breathed out, fixing your composure as you walked up to him.

Mycroft sighed as he continued his paperwork.

"Very well, don't let it happen again. It will be bad for your health," Mycroft muttered, making you smile.

"Aww, you're worried about little old me?" you teased, making him look up to you with a glare, but it was hard to feel scared with the pink tint on his cheeks.

"Just get to work,"

Ever since then, you would get a new gift each week. Chocolates, sweets, pastries, different flowers, jewelry, books, and many more with a note sweeter than the last.

You tried to ask the post office who kept bringing these to you, but they couldn't say.

You sighed in defeat, trying to figure out who would give you this attention.

You glanced over to Mycroft, talking with the other council workers.

'No way...' you lightly chuckled, shaking off the thought.

"(L/N), can you go grab the documents for the MI6 on my desk?" Mycroft asked, surprising you.

"R-Right," you simply replied, making your way back to his office.

You raised a brow as you checked his desk, not seeing it anywhere.

You checked the drawers and saw numerous papers, some crumpled while others folded neatly.

You unfolded one of them, noticing the familiar words with erasures.

Your eyes widened, noticing a familiar theme with each scribble.

"I hold deep affections for you,"

"You are one of the most beautiful people I met,"

"Would it be so bold of me to court you?"

"(Y/N)?" Mycroft called out, making you put back the paper and close the drawer.

"Apologies, apparently Moriarty grabbed it earlier," Mycroft sighed, walking in as you stood up.

"O-Oh! No wonder I couldn't find it," you smiled, walking up to him and closing the door.

"Something a matter?" he asked with a raised brow, making you shake your head.

"It's nothing, just feeling a little excited to go home," you smiled, thinking of writing a letter for your secret admirer.

Mycroft sighed as he hit your head lightly with papers.

"Save it for the evening. We still have a lot to do,"


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