|Sherlock Holmes| Love You The Same

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A/N: A small reminder that you are valid no matter what you identify with 💕✨

Tag/s: Established!Relationship, Non-Binary!Reader (He/Him and They/Them)

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

You took a deep breath as you paced around, wiping your hands on your shirt as you went over your lines again.

"(Y/N)?" a voice called out, making you jump slightly.

"Miss Hudson!" you sighed as the woman put down a tea set on the table, "Please don't surprise me like that..."

"Sorry, sorry... You seem a little shaken up," she apologized, bringing you a cup, "Is something wrong?"

You bit your lip as you shook your head.

"No... I just need to talk to Sherlock," you answered in a serious tone as you took a sip.

Suddenly, the entrance door opened with Sherlock and John's voices coming from downstairs.

"I'll go get Sherlock and keep John busy," Miss Hudson waved with a smile.

"Thank you," you smiled back, focusing on your drink as Miss Hudson went downstairs.

"Sherlock!" Miss Hudson called out in a hushed tone, almost running down the stairs.

"Miss Hudson, be careful! You might trip-"

"-No time for that!" Miss Hudson cut off John as she rushed to Sherlock.

"Did you and (Y/N) fight?" she accused in a whisper, making Sherlock raise a brow.


"Are you sure?"

"Yes, why?"

Miss Hudson sighed as she furrowed her brows, "They want to talk to you, and it looks serious..."

"Did (Y/N) say what it's about?"

Miss Hudson shook her head, "But it seems bad... I'm not sure,"

Sherlock looked up, thinking of the possible reasons why you suddenly wanted to talk.

'It could be...' he thought, now thinking of how to approach you.

"...All right then," he shrugged, taking off his coat as he went up.

"Wait, Sherlock! Are you sure you didn't do something wrong?"

"It's probably nothing to be worried about..." John reassured Hudson, but she seemed unconvinced.

"John might be right, but we won't know until I talk to (Y/N)," Sherlock stated as he went up.

"Oh, before I go in," he looked back at the two, "No eavesdropping or anything, got it?" he reminded in a cold tone.

"Do you know what it's about?"

"Possibly... And if it is, We need to have complete privacy," he explained, walking up to his and John's shared room and knocking on the door.

"(Y/N)?" he called out, seeing you standing in the middle of the room with a nervous expression.

"Miss Hudson said you wanted to talk?" he asked, closing the door.

"Yeah..." you answered, pointing over to the couch.

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