|Fred Porlock| Care To Join?

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Tag.s: Seamstress!Reader

(Y/N): Your First Name
(F/C): Your Favorite Color

2nd Person's POV

"(Y/N)! Could you get the purple fabrics from the storage room?"

"Right on it, Madame Drysdale!" you hollered back as you made your way to the storage room, carefully taking out the needed rolls of fabrics.

As you rummaged around, you heard something hitting on the window repeatedly.

Curious, you looked over to the window and saw bellflowers tied together neatly with a (F/C) ribbon on top of your custom-made red and white dress.

Inside, there's a card with the words Thank you written simply.

You breathed out a smile as you looked around, hoping to spot a familiar blue scarf.

You let out a sigh as no sign of the boy came into view.

"You owe me big time, Fred! Especially for making me build that wig," you jokingly shouted, closing the window as you went back to work.

Throughout the day, female nobles came and went to prepare a dress for various parties and events.

Each one was snobbier than the last, with their demands getting more ridiculous with each lady.

You kept your smile on as you tried to help Madame Drysdale meet their expectations as much as possible.

"Ugh, what is that disgusting color!?" the duchess screeched, smacking the dress out of your hands, making everything topple over and fall onto the floor.

"What kind of store are you running here!?" she complained, wrinkles forming on her forehead.

"I-I apologize, Your Grace... Let me get you a new dress," Madame Drysdale excused as she helped you stand up and grabbed some of the fabric.

"(Y/N), can you go to the storage room for the newest one we got?"

"Of course," you replied as you hurriedly grabbed the last roll.

As you reached out for it, the duchess accidentally stepped on your hand.

You yelped as you quickly pulled your hand back, making the duchess stumble.

"Look at where you're going, insolent child!" she roared as she slapped your cheek, making Madame Drysdale gasp.

You kept your head down as you slowly stood up.

"Yes. I apologize, Your Grace..." you smiled politely, walking off to the storage room for her new dress.

When you were out of sight, you took a deep breath as anger and resentment seethed through you.

'That woman...' you thought as your jaw tightened, edges of red started to show in your vision.

You took a deep breath as you took the dress, having half a mind to undo some of the stitches for revenge.

You let out a sigh of relief as you flipped the Open sign to Closed, exhausted from dealing with the nobles.

"Good work,"

"Good work..." you greeted back, making Madame Drysdale smile.

"How's your hand?"

"It's fine," you reassured, moving it around, "Nothing I can't handle," you smiled as you grabbed your coat.

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