|Fred Porlock| Trend Gone Wrong

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A/N: This is set in modern times and you and Fred are university students!

Tag/s: Modern!AU, Established Relationship

(Y/N): Your First Name
(N/N): Your Nickname
(F/N): Your Friend's Name

2nd Person's POV

"You need some confidence, Fred! How about giving them some flowers?"

"Or you can just go and outright tell them how you feel, problem solved."

Fred let out a sigh as he organized the flowers, trying to ignore James and Sebastian's dating advice.

"Why do you guys care so much about Young Fred and (Y/N)?" Master Jack asked as he dusted the shelves.

"Because!" the two turned to him.

"They've been friends for years now-"

"-and barely made any progress even though they obviously like each other!" they finished, making Fred sigh again.

"I appreciate the help, but-"

"-Excuse me," you knocked on the door, catching everyone's attention, "Will's calling everyone for a meeting," you smiled as everyone got up.

"Okay, thanks (N/N)!" James smiled and looked over to Fred, "Don't forget about what we said!" he winked as he walked out of the room.


"-We better get going," Sebastian grumbled as he got up, giving Fred a knowing look as he followed James.

Master Jack chuckled as he walked out, ruffling your hair as he went out of the room.

"What's up with those three?" you asked as Fred shook his head.

"Don't worry about it... They're just being silly," Fred reassured you as he grabbed your hand, kissing your cheek.

'Besides... We're already dating,'

You two started dating a couple of months ago when Fred confessed to you privately, and you happily accepted.

You two didn't quite see the point in announcing it to everyone and assumed everyone caught on since the three brothers already knew.

Unfortunately, that was far from the case.

Sebastian and James kept giving Fred love advice while also hinting at you about his feelings.

They both mean well and just wanted to speed up the process, knowing you both have feelings for each other.

"If that's the case, then why not just tell them?" you suggested as you both walked to your class.

Fred sighed as he leaned on his seat.

"I tried... But I always get cut off, or they don't get the idea..."


"I finally told those two we were going out, and they thought we were getting groceries,"

"Pfft," you laughed as Fred glared at you, making you apologize as you giggled.

"Then, how about I do it? That way, it'll get across their heads," you smiled as you pointed at yourself.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course! That way, I also get to brag about my amazing boyfriend," you teased as you held his cheeks, pulling him closer to your face.

Fred's eyes widened as he hid behind his scarf, leaning on your shoulder.

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