Jack Renfield with (his Daughter-In-Law) William's S/O

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Tag/s: Headcanons, Fem!Reader, Romantic Relationship (William), Familial Relationship (Jack)

(Y/N): Your First Name
(L/N): Your Last Name

-When William talked to you about Jack, you knew he meant a lot to him with how fond he would share stories with you.

-William would do the same to Jack, who would smile at him as he had love in his eyes at the mere mention of you.

-You were the one who suggested meeting with Jack, seeing it was basic courtesy and wanted to get to know your lover's father figure.

-Jack immediately said yes, wanting to meet the woman who captured Little Will's heart.

-Needless to say, you were both excited and nervous about meeting the famous Jack the Ripper.

-You even prepared a gift for him! Will insisted that it wasn't necessary, but you wanted to make a good impression.

-When you arrived at the Moriarty estate, Jack was the first one who greeted you two.

-"So this is the charming lady Little Will has been talking about," Jack cheekily said, surprising you as you looked over to William.

-He let out a loud laugh as William gave him a look, making him breathe out an apology.

-"Jack Renfield. It is lovely to finally meet you, Miss (L/N),"

-Luckily, his laugh broke the ice as you introduced yourself cheerfully, offering your gift.

-Jack gave you a tour of the estate with William in your arms, and you two clicked pretty quickly.

-You two would joke around, share quick little quips about each other and William, but he would stop you two when Jack was about to overshare.

-You three had a great time! You even felt excited to visit again.

-After that, you would visit the estate (usually for William), but Jack would always offer you company when he was busy, which you happily accept.

-You even bring cakes and pastries you two can enjoy over some tea during his breaks.

-He likes to share childhood stories about the brothers, even some about the colonel and gardener.

-He would even share some embarrassing stories about the Moriarty brothers, which you happily listened to.

-Your favorite stories were when Albert had his first taste of wine, Louis's mishaps in the kitchen, and William accidentally falling asleep on a tree branch like a cat.

-Unfortunately, you two were cut off by William, who overheard your conversation.

-After that, everyone kept a close eye, making sure Jack wouldn't share something he shouldn't.

-You noticed Louis would listen closely, even side-eyeing Jack when he prepared your tea.

-Sometimes, they would even join you two, defending themselves for their actions back when they were kids.

-He would even show you pictures of the three when they were young.

-Lucky for them, there wasn't a lot, and cameras weren't that accessible.

-When William announced that he was proposing to you, Jack was ecstatic.

-He already thought of you as his own daughter, but now it would be true.

-When you two were engaged, Jack and the whole group prepared a party to congratulate you two.

-He would tease you non-stop, calling you Mrs. Moriarty even before the wedding.

-At one of your visits, you half-jokingly asked him if he could teach you self-defense.

-You knew marrying William had its unique challenges, and you wanted to be prepared for anything without being a burden.

-He was surprised at first, but he happily accepted the offer.

-William was worried at first, not wanting you to get hurt, but respected your decision and eventually came around.

-He would teach you tricks, moves, and strategies to keep you safe. He didn't teach you how to kill, though, at Will's request.

-You were surprisingly a quick learner, and you two enjoyed sparring with each other.

-He had the biggest smile when you pulled William in, wanting to show off what you learned from him.

-At the wedding, he had the biggest smile as he watched you walk down the aisle and clapped the loudest, even whistling at you two.

-Long story short, he was happy to have you part of the family and that William has you.


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