|Fred Porlock| Speaking My Language

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Genre: Fluff???

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

You hummed a short tune as you watered the plants, enjoying the warm sunlight and peace and quiet.

"Someone's in a good mood today," a deep, raspy voice commented from behind.

You turned around and saw Sebastian walking up to you with a yawn.

"Good morning to you too," you smirked, continuing to water the plants.

"Did Louis make your favorite food or something?" he asked, stopping by your side.

You shook your head in response as you kept your smile.

"Someone gave me flowers this morning!" you admitted, your face feeling warm as you smiled at the memory.

"Flowers?" Sebastian repeated, and you eagerly nodded your head.

"Yep! Purple lilacs and primroses! They were beautiful," you complimented as you went to the next batch.

"You mean like those flowers?" Sebastian grabbed your head and made you turn around, seeing a patch of purple lilacs and primroses on the far side of the garden.

"Yeah, like those flowers--Oh..." Sebastian hummed as he let go of your head.

"...You don't think?"

"It could be,"

"But who would?"

"Who do you think?" he asked, looking down at you.

You narrowed your eyes as you thought of the possible suspects.

Suddenly, Fred's face flashed in your mind.

You quickly shook your head, trying to get rid of the image.

'No way...' you thought, thinking who else it could be.

"...James? He's always been a flirt," you suggested while Sebastian let out a sigh.

"For someone as sharp as you, you can be dense as hell,"

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?"

As Sebastian kept teasing you, you saw Fred walking up to his greenhouse.

"Oh! Good morning, Fred!" you cheerily greeted the boy with a wave.

He froze at his spot and gave you a nod.

"I was hoping I could ask you-" before you could even take a single step, he was sprinting over to the greenhouse.

You let out a sigh as you looked back at Sebastian.

"Well, that was a sight to see..." he smirked, clearly amused.

"Shut up..." you muttered, continuing to water the plants.

'I wonder if I did something wrong to him...' you thought as you tried to remember your encounters with the boy.

Out of everyone in the Moriarty Manor, you were on good terms with everyone, even Louis!

But Fred always avoided you like the plague, not even looking you in the eye when you talk.

"Maybe he's just shy," James defended as you two dusted the halls.

"You think? We've been living here for months now, though... Even you're pretty close to him,"

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