|Albert James Moriarty| Runaway Bride

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Requested By: your_villainess

Tag/s: Scenario, Princess!Reader, Angst with Fluff Ending

2nd Person's POV

"Come on out, dear," you took a deep breath as you held onto the doorknob.

You slowly opened the door, making your mother, friends, and staff gasp at you.

"Oh my god, (Y/N)! You look beautiful!"

"You look amazing!"

"You look ethereal, Your Royal Highness,"

"Aww..." your mother cooed, her eyes watering up as she took breaths.

"Mom..." you called out, making the group laugh as your mother wiped her tears.

You looked over to the mirror, your eyes drifting over the white dress on your body.

The veil complimented the dress, which hugged your body snuggly, the sequence glittering against the light.

"What do you think?" the minstrel asked, hopeful.

"...It's perfect," you smiled, making the group cheer.

"We'll have this dress," your mother told the minstrel as they talked about the price.

"Prince Arthur is one lucky guy," your friend joked as she walked up behind you, making you force a smile as you pretended to like the dress.

"I can't believe you're gonna get married next week..." your friend muttered, taking it all in.

"Especially since you just told us you got engaged yesterday," another interjected, making you all laugh.

"You and me both..."

You let out a sigh as you walked down the halls of the castle, not wanting to deal with wedding planning anymore.

"(Y/N)?" a voice called out, making you stop and turn around.

"Prince Arthur!" you gasped, both of you doing a curtsey at each other.

"How was dress shopping?" he asked politely, making you sigh.

"It was fun, to say the least. After about seven dresses, Mother actually cried," you smirked, making the prince chuckle.

"...You just said the dress was perfect to end it all?"

"Luckily, they bought it," you winked, making the prince shake his head.

"How about you? I heard you went suit shopping,"

"Well, there's not exactly an array of choices to pick," you chuckled lightly, seeing both of your parents look at you from the gardens, smiling fondly.

"...I guess it's almost time..." Prince Arthur sighed, a sad smile resting on his face.

"Have you told him?" he asked, making you gulp.

"...It's on the papers before I even knew..." you muttered, frowning at the thought of Albert's reaction.

"Besides... I already broke up with him..." you dryly chuckled, blinking your eyes as you felt tears pooling as you remembered your family's warnings.

"It is your responsibility and duty,"

"If you don't stop seeing that... That...! That man, I will make sure his whole family, along with you, will regret it to your last dying breath."

"Do you really think that man will make you happy?"

"He won't be able to protect you,"

"I am so sorry..." he whispered, wiping your tears with his handkerchief as you scoffed.

"...It is our duty..."

"Okay, okay! Let's finish her make-up and prep the dress!" the planner clapped, rushing through the halls as he checked everything for the wedding.

"Pardon me..." Prince Arthur knocked, his head peeking out of the door.

"May I have a word with (Y/N) in private?" he asked, making the staff scurry out as he walked in.

"What? Getting cold feet?" you joked, making him chuckle.

"Actually, I have a surprise guest for you," he smiled, opening the door and revealing Albert.

You let out a gasp as you rushed over to him as Albert opened his arms for you.

"But... How?"

"I asked for advice," Prince Arthur explained, looking over to William, who was guarding in the halls.

"Don't worry, I'll handle it here," Prince Arthur winked, making you smile.

"Thank you..." you breathed out, hugging him goodbye as you followed Albert to escape.

"I thought... I thought..."

"Did you really think I would give up on you just like that?" he asked with a wink, making you breathe out a smile.

"Your fiance and I had a talk a few months back, and William completely predicted everything," Albert explained, leading you to a carriage waiting at the back of the church.

"I promised that I would make you happy, and I'm not planning on breaking that,"


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