|James Bonde| Behind Closed Doors

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Tag/s: Shy!Reader, Established Relationship

(Y/N): Your First Name
(N/N): Your Nickname

2nd Person's POV

You felt someone tugging on you as you blinked your eyes open.

Through the curtains, you saw that the sun was rising and you were supposed to get up in ten minutes.

You rolled over to the other side but felt someone pull you back as their arms tightened around your waist.

"Five more minutes, angel..." James grumbled, digging his face into the crook of your neck.

You felt your face flush from his voice and the heat of his breath against your ear.

You shook out the thought as you turned to him, hugging him close as you hid your face.

"G'morning to you too..." your groggily greeted, playing with his bed hair.

"Love..." he grumbled, pulling away as he gave you an unamused look.

You lightly chuckled as you gave him a nod, knowing how late he got home.

"...Fine... But only five minutes..." you muttered, closing your eyes again as James smiled in satisfaction, snuggling into you.

"James, please..." you mumbled as you held onto James' arms, still wrapped around your waist as you tried to go to the bathroom.

"I'm going to be late..."

"Five... more... minutes...!" he pouted, his whole torso practically out of bed.

"James...!" you called out in a warning tone, making him sigh and let you go.

"Can't I at least get a kiss?" he pouted, making you go red to the ears.

"I really missed you..." he added, swaying his feet as he looked down on the floor.

You let out a sigh as you walked up to him, making him smile excitedly.

You leaned down as you pecked his lips, making him hold your hand.

"A long one? Just enough to get me through the day?" he pleaded, making you purse your lips.

You let out a sigh as you carefully cradled his face in your palms as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

You leaned down and gave him a soft and gentle kiss, his lips moving in sync with yours.

You started feeling the need to breathe as you pulled away, hiding behind your arm as you turned away.

"W-Was that okay?" you muttered, feeling more embarrassed after asking.

"More than okay," James replied, pulling you close as he rested his head on your stomach, enjoying your warmth.

You let out a sigh of relief as you hugged him back, patting his head.

"...I really have to go now, though... I have morning duty, so go back to sleep..."

"...Can I join you in the shower?"

"Don't push it, Double-O Seven,"

"(Y/N), Bonde, may I talk to you for a moment?" William called out, making you both turn to him.

"Sure," James shrugged as he followed William.

"Of course," you meekly replied, holding onto both of your hands as you followed behind James.

"You see, I have a special assignment for the both of you," he explained as he gave you a folder each.

"There will be a couples-only party tomorrow night, and I need you two to pair up," you felt your heart drop as he explained.

'We have to mingle with other guests... and dance...?!' you thought, reading over your files.

"I-Isn't there anyone else better suited for this?" you asked, raising a hand to William.

"Unfortunately, everyone else has their own parts to play, and you're the best fit for it," William apologetically smiled, making you sigh in defeat.

"I see..." you muttered, preparing your mind for the mission.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)... But I'm sure Bonde can help you out in the socializing aspect of the mission,"

"Yeah! You can leave it to me," he reassured, giving you an encouraging grin.

You smiled at your lover and looked back at the file, taking a deep breath.

"...All right, let's do it."

"Are you sure you're okay with this (N/N)?" James asked, following you out of William's office.

"Y-Yeah... Besides, it's not like I'm doing this alone," you smiled, reaching out for James's hand and intertwining your fingers, making him smile.

"Yeah... That's true," he smiled, pulling you to him as he rested his head on your shoulder, relaxing in your embrace.

"J-James!?" you exclaimed, looking around the area.

"Don't worry, the others are at the gardens by now," he reassured, letting out a deep sigh as you walked down the hallway.

You playfully rolled your eyes as you squeezed his hand, letting him continue as you keep an eye out for the others.

"Wow..." James breathed out as you walked out of your room, all dressed up for the party.

You quickly looked down on the ground as you fiddled with your hands, not really knowing what to do with everyone's attention on you.

"You look splendid, Young (Y/N)!" Jack complimented, making you look up at him as the other followed him.

"T-Thanks, everyone..." you replied with a nervous smile, brushing your hair behind your ear.

James quickly walked up to you and put on your coat, butting it all the way.

"Let's go," he smiled as he led the both of you out, a protective arm around your shoulder.

You let out a chuckle as you both made out of the mansion, a carriage already by the entrance.

"There's no need to be jealous, love," you mumbled loud enough for him to hear as you got inside the carriage.

"Who said I was jealous?" he denied, sitting next to you.

"Mhm..." you hummed, raising a brow at him while he shook his head with a smile.

"Well, just so we're clear," he held your hand, giving it a kiss, "You do look absolutely breathtaking," he sincerely complimented with a smile.

Your eyes widened in surprise with how sincere he sounded, making you take back your hand and clear your throat.

"Y-You look handsome as well..." you whispered, fiddling with your fingers as you looked down on your lap.

James's heart loudly thumped as he looked away from you, covering his face with his arm.

You let out a yelp as you looked back at him, his hand over yours as he just squeezed it.

"...You better stay close to me during the whole party," he warned, resting his chin on his hand as he looked out of the window.

You breathed out a smile as you moved closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder as he kept looking out of the window.

"Of course, it's not like I enjoy talking to random strangers, anyway,"


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