|William James Moriarty| Sweet Dreams

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Tag/s: Established Relationship, Short-ish?

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

You shivered as the cold air hit your skin, making you lean closer to William.

"Wait here," he excused himself, putting down his book as he left the room.

You tilted your head curiously but shrugged it off as you continued to read, mumbling curses under your breath at the cold weather.

"Here, my love," as those words slipped Will's lips, a large blanket fell on your shoulders as he gave you a cup of tea.

"Are you still cold?" he asked, sitting next to you as he placed the blanket over his shoulder, wrapping the both of you.

You smiled to yourself as you shook your head, scooching closer to him as you rested your head on his shoulder.

As you continued to read, William's head rested heavier on your shoulder, hearing soft snores from the man.

You chuckled to yourself as you slowly set him down, tucking him under the blanket.

"Seriously, this man..." you sighed as you went to your shared bedroom, taking some pillows and a blanket.

You fluffed the pillows and placed them under his head as gently as possible.

As you placed the pillows, your eyes drifted onto William's face, remembering catching Jack pinching his cheek while he was asleep.

You pursed your lips as you looked down on William's face, deciding on whether to continue your little joke or not.

Shrugging your shoulders, you reached out to his cheek, pinching it gently and giggling to yourself as your lover continued to sleep.

"Sweet dreams, my love..." you whispered, placing a kiss on his cheek as you sat down on the nearest chair.

You wrapped the blanket around yourself, taking a sip from your tea as you continued to read, leaning closer to William.

"(Y/N)? Have you seen-"

"Shh..." you hushed Sebastian, seeing him walk through the office.

He looked over to William, his eyes shining a mischievous glint from an idea as he moved closer to him, his hand reaching into his pocket.

"Don't even think about it, Seb," you warned as you shielded Will's face with your book.

He rolled his eyes as he raised his hands, revealing a marker.

"It's not like the ink is not going to wash off..." he grumbled, walking off as he closed the door.

You let out a sigh as you went back to your book, leaning your head next to William's.

William started to stir, slowly opening his eyes as you closed your book.

"Good morning, love," you greeted in a hushed tone, making him smile.

"Good morning..." he groggily greeted back as he sat up, seeing the blanket and pillows.

"Did you...?" you nodded, putting your book on the table.

"Yeah, you were always getting a stiff neck after a nap, so I thought why not?" you simply explained, sitting next to him.

"Feeling better now?" you asked as you placed a hand on his cheek.

He breathed out a smile as he leaned closer to your touch, grabbing your hand.

"Well..." he pulled you onto his lap, a playful smile on his face.

"...A couple more minutes wouldn't hurt," he added, wrapping the blanket around the both of you.

You felt your cheeks flare up as you hid your face against his chest, feeling it rumble from his chuckle.

"...Can we at least go nap on the bed? I don't want to wake up with my face covered in drawings again,"

"As you wish," William chuckled as he looped his arm under your legs and lifted you up, carrying you and the blanket back to your shared bedroom as you held your book.

He let you down gently as he lay next to you, his arms not leaving your figure.

"...Did you have a bad day at the university?" you asked, running your fingers through his hair as you untangled some knots.

"Not really," he simply replied, pulling you as close as possible, "Just feeling a little weary,"

You sighed as you snuggled closer to him, your legs entangled under the covers as you opened your book to the last page you were on.

You could hear his heart beating on his chest, slowly coming into a soothing tempo.

You felt William's finger go through your hair, making you smile in content as you rested your head on his chest.

"Goodnight, my love," William whispered, placing a kiss on your head.

"Goodnight..." you greeted back as William went back to sleep.

Little by little, you started to feel sleepy.

You carefully placed your book on the nightstand and hugged William, letting your body relax as you fell asleep in his arms.

"...Should we wake them up?"

"Once Little Will takes a nap, it's impossible to wake him,"

"Then how about (Y/N)?"

"Even if they wake up, I don't think Will's gonna let them go,"

The group whispered amongst themselves, not wanting to anger the two of you sleeping soundly in the bedroom.

"Let's just let them rest for now. William-nii-san doesn't have any mission for us today, anyway,"

Louis pushed everyone out, looking back to make sure you weren't disturbed.

"And Mr. Moran, the marker?"

Sebastian clicked his tongue as he gave Louis the marker begrudgingly,

"You guys are absolutely no fun,"


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