|Sherlock Holmes| A Day with the Great Detective

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Tag/s: Request, Fluff, Established Relationship

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

You slowly opened your eyes and saw the sun shining through the window.

You blinked your eyes as your vision adjusted, seeing that you weren't in your bedroom.

'Huh...?' you thought, leaning to your forearm to lift yourself up.

But as you pushed your weight, a loud groan erupted below you, a pair of arms wrapped around you and pulled you back.

Your eyes widened as you realized that it was Sherlock as he snored lightly.

'That's right... We were looking through the evidence...' you remembered as you slowly and quietly got off the couch, not wanting to wake him up.

As you tip-toed across the room, you saw John resting his head on the table and quietly grabbing a couple of blankets.

You put a blanket over the two men and headed to the kitchen, avoiding the numerous papers and books scattered everywhere.

You stifled a yawn as you prepared breakfast, still sleepy from staying up late as John walked past you groggily, heading straight to the fridge.

"Good morning," you greeted, keeping your eyes on the pan.

"Good morning, (Y/N)..." he greeted, opening the fridge.

"Can you bring out the eggs from the fridge?"

"Sure..." John muttered as he followed your request, "Should I make some orange juice?"

"Yes, please," you smiled, plating the eggs.

"You two are way too noisy in the morning..." a groggy voice muttered against your ear as you felt something heavy rest against your back.

You looked up and saw that it was Sherlock, leaning his head on your shoulder.

The blanket was still draped over him as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling the blanket along.

"Good morning to you too," you chuckled, rubbing his head as he hummed a reply.

John rolled his eyes as he cut the oranges and juiced them.

"Lovebirds..." he mumbled loud enough for you two to hear, making Sherlock roll his eyes and let you go as you chuckled.

"Wanna help us make breakfast, Sherl?" you asked, not seeing the fear in the men's eyes as they looked at each other, as if talking with their eyes.

"...I think I'll just observe," Sherlock answered, going back to the living room.

"Yeah... It'll also be crowded in the kitchen," John answered, his back facing towards you.

"Huh? Alright then," you shrugged, seasoning the eggs.

During breakfast, you continued to discuss the potential clues your found and possible leads.

"What do you think, Sherlock?" John asked as he took another bite of his food.

"It's not clear yet... But the last piece of the puzzle should be appearing soon," he reassured, continuing to eat.

You tilted your head in confusion, "The last piece? What's that-"

"-Sherlock! The inspector is back!" Miss Hudson announced as Inspector Lestrade walked in, sweating a little with a deep frown.

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