💟 |William James Moriarty| "Wanna go dance?"

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A/N: Take care of yourselves and be safe!

Requested By: crattan

Tag/s: Fluff, Established Relationship

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

You shivered against the cold air, making you pull the blankets over your shoulders.

You blinked your eyes open, seeing that you were alone in your bed.

You sat up, rubbing your eyes as you looked around, seeing the balcony of your bedroom wide open.

You slowly climbed out, putting on your slippers as you walked up to the balcony, seeing William smoking with a blanket over his shoulders.

"Isn't it a little too early to watch the sunrise?" you croaked, making William look back at you as you walked to his side.

He smiled over to you as he put it out on an ashtray.

"Sorry... Did I wake you?" he asked, putting the blanket over the both of you.

"It's fine..." you reassured, leaning over to him, "But why are you up?"

"No particular reason..." he answered, his eyes going back to the scenery.

The city was quiet. A few voices and the sounds of carriages came from the streets, with soft lights coming from the buildings.

You took a deep breath as you wrapped your arm around William's, holding his hand.

William smiled, raising your hand and placing a kiss.

"You should go back to bed... You shouldn't be up so late,"

You let out a scoff as you nudged him.

"Same goes to you. Don't you have a big day tomorrow?"

"Just a small lecture and a meeting with Albert-nii-san. You must be tired from the mission,"

"All I did was keep an eye on the target with Albert on the dance floor," you retorted, making him chuckle.

"That reminds me..." you pulled away from him, still holding his hand, and spun around before hitting his chest.

"Don't you think you owe me a dance? You left me all alone on Valentine's day, after all," you teased as he rolled his eyes, a playful smile on his lips.

"I believe I spent the whole morning and afternoon with you?" he defended before putting your free hand on his shoulder and pulling you closer by the waist.

"Yeah, but didn't change the fact that I still missed you tonight,"

William hummed a melody and swayed you both along to the rhythm, the only source of light coming from the city and moon.

As you two danced around the bedroom, your eyes drifted off to your dresser, and you remembered something.

"Oh, right!" you exclaimed, stopping the dance as you rushed over to the drawers.

"I almost forgot to give you this today-- Well, yesterday, I guess." you sheepishly chuckled, giving him the gift.

"I was waiting for you to get home, and-- you know," you shrugged, making William chuckle.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Liam," you greeted as he untied the bow, showing the array of books inside.

"I asked Albert to grab some books for me on his trip since some of the ones you wanted weren't available in Durham..." you explained as William looked at each and every one of them.

"...I also added a couple that I thought you might like..." you muttered, unsure of William's reaction.

"Will?" you called out, tilting your head as he blinked his eyes.

He let out a breathy laugh as he covered his mouth, clearly smiling.

"Thank you... I absolutely love them," he grinned, pulling you for a kiss.


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