|Moriarty Brothers| Jealous Headcanons

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Tag/s: Headcanons

S/O: Significant Other

|Albert James Moriarty|

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|Albert James Moriarty|

-Albert is very protective of you, knowing how other men can act.

-He tries to keep a close eye on you, making sure no one makes a mistake of thinking they'd have a shot with you.

-If you're just talking to someone and enjoying yourself, he'll just continue on with his job while keeping you in his line of sight.

-If someone, most likely a noble, approach you and tries to make a move on you during a party, Albert's already by your side, a protective arm around you.

-He tries to be as civilized as possible, knowing he needs to keep his image, and maybe the flirt was a fellow gentleman and knows boundaries.

-But if the flirt looks at you weirdly or makes you visibly uncomfortable, he's trying his hardest to not knock him out cold right then and there.

-He tries to shield you from them, hiding you behind his back if they get too close.

-When you get home, he'd be angrily grumbling about the flirt and how presumptuous they were that evening while making sure you were okay.

-He'd get every information he can about that noble and wants to see their demise with his own eyes.

-If he's one of the corrupt nobles, he makes a special request to have a front-row seat to their death or even kill them himself if it doesn't interfere with the plan.

-This man is smiling as he's looking down at the noble, slowly dying on the floor (with wine in hand).

-This man is smiling as he's looking down at the noble, slowly dying on the floor (with wine in hand)

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|William James Moriarty|

-He doesn't get jealous often, but he gets very irritated when someone interrupts his alone time with you.

-Like if you're talking to one of your friends or just enjoying talking to someone who has no ill intention towards you, he won't mind.

-But if you two were on a date and someone had the ✨audacity✨ to flirt with you, he'd have killed this person twenty different times in his mind.

-Or if he sees someone just being a little too friendly with his S/O while he's far, best believe he'd walk over there with a devilish smile.

-If the flirt doesn't take the hint, he'd just move closer to you, looking down on them.

-William can keep his composure very well, smiling at the unsuspecting person as he keeps giving them hints that they should back off.

-But this man can be VERY intimidating when he wants to.

-The flirt would be running to the hills by now if their feet weren't stuck on the ground.

-He'd try not to make a scene, but it's clear by his tone and body language that just screams I W I L L  M U R D E R  Y O U.

-If the flirt was a noble AND was already on his hit list, he'd take his sweet time with him.

-He makes it clear to the gang that it'll be him who was gonna kill the mf and everyone gets the message.

-The next day, people think the person died of a heart attack or natural causes, while William smiles to himself as he reads the news.

|Louis James Moriarty|

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|Louis James Moriarty|

-Not exactly jealousy, but he's another person who values his alone time with you.

-He likes to keep you close, staying by your side or holding hands when you're in a crowded place.

-Has little to no tolerance when you're out on a date.

-He will glare at the person, raising a brow as he observes what he's planning to do.

-If they were a friend or just someone nice, he won't make a big deal out of it but becomes a little more clingy, wanting to spend time with you undisturbed.

-If you're trying to shoo the person away and they don't get the message, he steps in and abruptly tells them off.

-If they won't stop, then he just grabs your hand and pulls you away from the flirt, glaring at them the whole way.

-But if you were talking with someone he doesn't know and enjoying yourself, he tries not to let his insecurities get to him.

-Usually, a kiss on his scar is enough to make him forget all about it.

-If the flirt turns out to be a corrupt noble with a criminal record, Louis will not hesitate to end this man's life.

-He is disgusted that this person thought they'd have their way with you.

-He would just slash them with his sword, leaving them to bleed to death.

-He'd probably just hug you protectively after that, leaving you confused as you hug him back.


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