Albert and Louis with their Sister-In-Law

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A/N: They're so precious 🥺🥺🥺

Tag/s: Headcanons, Fem!Reader, Platonic!Relationship (Albert and Louis), Romantic!Relationship (William), Headcanons

-When William announced to the two of them that he was planning to propose to you, Albert and Louis were excited.

-When you and William started dating, Albert was the first to welcome you while Louis was still wary of you.

-They both trust William's choices, but you can never be really too careful.

-They both see how important you are to William, and they want to make sure that you honestly feel the same for their brother.

-You first opened up with Albert, usually wishing him a good trip when he leaves and having small talk about books, William, the plan, and such as you drink wine.

-He would even buy you little souvenirs during his trips and share his wine collection with you, basically treating you like a little sister already.

-Louis was the hard one to get close with.

-You usually tried to get close to him by helping him around the manor and sharing tips and tricks you learned with cooking and cleaning.

-He slowly opened up to you, seeing how you were actually a genuinely good person who cherishes his brother.

-He usually has you taste-test the new dishes he discovered and listen to your opinions and suggestions.

-So when William decided to tie the knot, they were both happy for you.

-You noticed that Albert seemed happier, and even Louis was in a good mood.

-William just laughed it off as he took you somewhere private, preparing to ask you.

-At the wedding, Louis definitely got emotional and almost cried while you three tried to console him.

-Nothing much changed after you two got married.

-You and William usually just get all smiley when you feel your ring on your finger.

-Albert still likes spending time with you talking about books in the library or talking over some wine in the gardens.

-When Albert comes back from his trips, he always has some gifts for you and some gossip about the nobles.

-William sometimes complained that Albert was spoiling you and sharing trivial information.

-If you ever did attend a party with Albert, I feel like you two will just have a good time gossiping about the visitors and enjoying the food.

-Louis was more protective of you, though.

-He didn't like the idea of you doing a lot of housework, but you insisted that you wanted to help him.

-You two still love sharing recipes and domestic tricks around the house as you both work.

-You're the only one he trusts to be left alone in the kitchen.

-You're also his self-confidence booster and cheer him up when he needs it, and he loves that you always pull him back on his feet when he feels down.

-Long story short, they love having a sister-in-law, and William is happy that you're his wife and his brothers love you.


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