|Sherlock Holmes| Don't Stress Out

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(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV

You hummed to yourself as you walked to 221B Baker Street, eager to visit your friends after a long week from work.

You were barely two blocks away when you saw smoke, making you widen your eyes as you quickened your pace to a sprint.

Fearing the worst, you saw that it was 221B and it was Sherlock and Watson's room.

Seeing the three nowhere outside, you quickly went inside and looked around for them.

"Miss Hudson! Sherlock!? John!" you called out, but there was no reply.

You heard soft violin music coming from the room, making you more confused, but you were too frazzled to question it.

You made your way to the bathroom, filling a nearby bucket with water as you rushed to the smoking room.

You opened the door and saw Sherlock playing violin and the smoke coming from a giant pile of cigarettes on the table, making you sigh of relief and drop to your knees.

You made your way to the ashy mountain, carefully pouring water on it to not make a puddle on the floor.

You glared over to Sherlock, who still didn't notice your presence.

His brows were furrowed as he aggressively played the violin. The notes were strenuous and frantic.

"Sherlock?" you called out, but it fell onto deaf ears.

You noticed the strings were about to break if he continued, making you walk up to him and shake his shoulders.

"Sherlock!" you yelled as you made him look at you, making him finally stop.

"(Y/N)? When did you get here?" he asked, making you sigh.

"I rushed in when I saw smoke coming out of here," you explained, coughing a little as you waved your hand.

"Where are Miss Hudson and John?"

"They're out," Sherlock sighed, sprawling his body on the couch as he handed you a note:


Miss Hudson will be out of town for some business, and I will be staying with Mary for a couple of days to help her out. Don't forget your meals and to take some rest.

-John H. Watson

"How long have you locked yourself in here?" you asked, putting it away.

"Not long..." he simply replied, covering his eyes with his arm.

You raised a brow as you grabbed his arm, making him look at your unconvinced eyes.

"...Maybe a couple of days," he answered, making you sigh.

You looked back to him and saw some eye bags forming under his eyes, noticing his face seemed a little thinner.

You frowned at the sight, letting go of his arm.

"You should take a break, Sherl..." you breathed out, making him sit up as he rested his elbows on his knees.

"I'm still in the middle of a case, (Y/N)... I have been going around in circles," he groaned, running his hand through his messy hair.

"If you keep going like this, you're gonna hurt yourself," you warned, kneeling down to his level, making him look at you.

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