|Albert James Moriarty| Leave Me Alone

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Tag/s: Angst with a Happy Ending

2nd Person's POV

The argument had gotten a little out of hand.

The two of you were going home after a party, getting information for William's plan and playing nice with the nobles. However, some guests were a little hard to deal with.

Especially when they were flirting with Albert.

You were used to it, knowing how good-looking your lover is, but you were lying if you said it didn't irk you every single time it happened.

Albert knew you hated it, and so did he, so he tries to be as respectful as he can while keeping you close to him.

However, some people just can't take a hint.

People started gossipping behind your back while Albert talked to nobles, so he won't be able to hear them.

Some even intentionally spilled their drink on your outfit, making you both leave early.

After that hell of a night, you were clearly in a bad mood, and Albert was no better, memorizing each guest that treated you poorly.

He tried to give a kiss goodnight before getting to work, but you wanted to cuddle with him before bed to calm yourself down.

One thing led to another until it escalated into a full-on argument.

Neither you nor Albert backed down as you two continued until it was almost midnight.

"(Y/N), please... It's already so late," Albert sighed, looking over to the window, showing the night sky.

"Just get some rest, and we can talk things through tomorrow..." he suggested, sitting back on his office chair and grabbing some papers.

You scoffed as you raised your arms and let them fall on your sides.

"Albert, I just want to go to sleep with you, not an empty space like every other night. Is that too much to ask?"

"(Y/N), you know how busy I am with work."

"But you're also in a relationship with me, and lately, it feels like you don't care anymore!"

As those words left your mouth, Albert slammed his hands on his desk with his head hung low.

"...If you truly feel that way, you are more than welcome to leave."

You tightened your jaw as you looked away, your heart aching at his words.

"Fine... If that's how you want it to be," you muttered, leaving his office.

You quickly wiped your tears with a sniff, closing the door behind you before he could hear you.

As soon as you left, Albert instantly regretted what he said.

Albert was about to follow you, but just as he was about to turn the doorknob, he thought that you needed some space, and he'd only make things worse.

He let out a sigh as he let go, slumping into his seat as he focused on work, glancing at the clock every once in a while to time himself.

You, on the other hand, were crying in your bedroom.

You wiped your tears as you controlled your breathing, thinking a midnight stroll would help you calm down.

You put on your coat and quietly went out of the manor, taking a walk around the gardens.

About half an hour had passed, and Albert quickly got out of his desk, hoping that was enough time for things to settle down.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry about what I said before... I know-" he stopped himself when he saw that you weren't inside.

Instantly, worry crept inside of him as he looked around the room.

The windows were locked shut, and everything was in its place, so no one could have broken in.

He checked down at the kitchen and the bathrooms, but there was still no sign of you.

Slowly, he started to panic.

'They wouldn't have...' Albert quickly ran to the front door, seeing that it was no longer locked.

He felt his heart sink into his stomach. He knew what he said was hurtful, but he didn't think that you would actually do it.

He quickly went back to your room and put on a jacket, getting ready to look for you.

You let out a sigh of relief as you sat down beneath a tree, relaxing as the night wind hit your skin.

You looked up at the sky and saw numerous stars lighting up the night with the full moon.

You looked around the gardens and saw the roses Fred took care of, blooming beautifully against the moonlight.

You smiled at the memories of your and Albert walking around these gardens or sharing a bottle of wine, enjoying each other's company as he always greeted you with a bouquet of roses.

Most of the time, you two enjoy some naps here and there when Albert's been working hard or sharing how each of your days has.

You bit your inner cheek as you fiddled with your fingers.

'... I should head back,' you thought, already missing your lover's touch.

Before you could even open the door, Albert opened it and bumped into you, making you stumble back.

He quickly pulled you back to your feet, holding your hands tightly.

"You're back..." he breathed out, hugging you, "I thought you actually left me..."

Your eyes widened as you loosened your muscles, hugging him just as tight.

"Idiot... As if I'd leave you for something like that," you muttered, making Albert lightly laugh as he kept hugging you, resting his head on your shoulder.

As you two kept holding each other, you took a deep breath.

"Look..." you pulled away, placing a hand on his cheek.

"I'm sorry about what I said... I know how hard you're working for your job and for us... I'm sorry I didn't appreciate it," you mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

His eyes softened as he held your hand, melting in your touch.

"No... You're right... I knew how bad those people could get, and yet I kept bringing you with me. I'm sorry I didn't pay enough time and attention to you," he apologized as he kissed your temple, making you smile.

"Now, can we go to bed? I feel exhausted..." you sighed, slumping on top of Albert, making him laugh.

"Of course, my love," he kissed you again as he held your legs, carrying you princess-style.

"Wha- Albert!" you scolded, holding onto him for dear life.

He chuckled as he kept carrying you into your shared bedroom as you two slept in each other's arms.


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